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 * TryBox1
 * a simple JApplet that includes several Box-related and 
 * BoxLayout-related examples.
 * Modified from class BoxLayoutPane and its discussion, in Flanagan's
 * "Java Examples in a Nutshell", 2nd Edition, pp. 194-196.
 * RECOMMENDED SIZE: 300h x 400w
 * modified by: Sharon M. Tuttle
 * last modified: 2-26-01

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.border.*;

public class TryBox1 extends JApplet 
	Container		myContentPane;
	public void init()
		JButton		paneButton;
		JPanel		panePanel;

		Box		topRowBox, bottomRowBox;
		JPanel		colPanel;
		Box		fixedColBox, fixedRowBox;
		JTextArea	textArea;

		myContentPane = getContentPane();

		// remember: JApplet's default layout is BorderLayout;
		// from Flanagan, "Java Examples in a Nutshell", 2nd Ed., p. 194:
		// "javax.swing.BoxLayout is a simple but versatile layout manager
		// that arranges its children into a row or a column. The
		// javax.swing.Box container uses BoxLayout; it is much more
		// common to work with the Box class than to use BoxLayout
		// directly. What gives Box containers their versatility is the
		// ability to add stretchy space (glue) and rigid space (struts)
		// to the layout."				

		/* use a Box object to "add a plain row of buttons along  */
		/* the top" of the applet                                 */

		// createHorizontalBox(): to create a "row" of something?
		topRowBox = Box.createHorizontalBox(); // no new?! odd; but then, it
											// is not calling a constructor,
											// either;

		// Box has BoxLayout as its default layout manager...

		// create and add 5 buttons to this box
		for (int i=0; i<5; i++)
			JButton b = new JButton("B" + i);

		// now add the box to the North of the applet
		myContentPane.add(topRowBox, "North");

		/* this time, we'll use the BoxLayout manager with a non-Box  */
		/* component --- "add a plain column of buttons along the     */
		/* right edge".                                               */
		/* one reason why: here, we'll "give the column a border;     */
		/* CAN'T do this with the Box class." (!)		              */

		colPanel = new JPanel();

		// notice what BoxLayout() constructor below requires: the
		// component using the layout, followed by a constant
		// indicating if this is horizontal or vertical:
		colPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(colPanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));

		// another border example
		colPanel.setBorder(new TitledBorder(new EtchedBorder(), "Column"));

		// create and add 5 buttons
		for (int i=0; i<5; i++)
			JButton b = new JButton("B" + i);

		// and, of course, add the newly-filled panel to the
		// RHS (East side) of the applet
		myContentPane.add(colPanel, "East");

		/* "Add a button box along the bottom of the..." applet. "...     */
		/* "Add 'Glue' to space the buttons evenly.						  */

		bottomRowBox = Box.createHorizontalBox();

		// adding stretchy space as the first thing in the box
		// how do I create "glue"? With createHorizontalGlue()
		// (or createVerticalGlue(), in a vertical box...)

		bottomRowBox.add(new JButton("Left"));		  // a button
		bottomRowBox.add(Box.createHorizontalGlue()); // more stretchy space
		bottomRowBox.add(new JButton("Middle"));	  // a 2nd button
		bottomRowBox.add(Box.createHorizontalGlue()); // more stretchy space
		bottomRowBox.add(new JButton("Right"));		  // a 3rd button
		bottomRowBox.add(Box.createHorizontalGlue()); // more stretchy space
		// add the newly-filled box to the south of the applet
		myContentPane.add(bottomRowBox, "South");

		/* a "strut" appears to be rigid space of a certain pixel size; */
		/* Here, we will "use Box objects to give the JTextArea an      */
        /* unusual spacing."                                            */
		/* One box will be within another --- and note that the strut   */
		/* essentially appears as another "thing" that can be added to  */
		/* a box.													    */
		// first: here is a JTextArea to display somewhere in the center
		// of the applet
		textArea = new JTextArea();
		textArea.setText("This JTextArea component has a 12-pixel \"margin\""
				+ " on top, a 24-pixel \"margin\" on the left,"
				+ " a 48-pixel \"margin\" on the right, and a"
				+ " 72-pixel \"margin\""
				+ " on the bottom.");

		// AWT TextArea does *not* have these methods...
		// (you can say how many spaces should make up a tab
		// for a JTextArea using setTabSize(), too!)

		// second: textArea goes as the second "column" in a column-oriented
		// box --- note that above and below it are two struts;
		fixedColBox = Box.createVerticalBox();
		// create a "strut" of 12 "rigid" pixels

		// component here will "fill in" the rest!
		// finally, create a "strut" of 72 "rigid" pixels

		// third: now, put fixedColBox onto a horizontal box, itself
		// with two more struts;
		fixedRowBox = Box.createHorizontalBox();

		fixedRowBox.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(24));  // "24 rigid pixels"
		fixedRowBox.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(48));  // "48 rigid pixels"

		// finally: add the fixedRowBox to the applet!
		myContentPane.add(fixedRowBox, "Center");

		// how about a temporary button in the West, to see its
		// affect on the textarea above?
		//JButton looky = new JButton("looky");
		//myContentPane.add(looky, "West");