Please send questions to .
* TryImageButton1
* simple example application of a JButton containing an image.
* note: this depends on image file train.gif being in the same
* directory as this application's class file. And note that
* BlueJ cannot run it directly, because of its current directory
* *not* being the directory where the source code is --- compile
* in BlueJ, then run from the DOS prompt (after changing to the
* proper directory, of course)
* modified by: Sharon M. Tuttle
* last modified: 2-18-01
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class TryImageButton1
public static void main(String args[])
TryImageButton1Frame mainFrame = new TryImageButton1Frame();
mainFrame.setTitle("A Button with an Image");;
// I'll set up size and window-closing in class
// TryImageButton1Frame...
class TryImageButton1Frame extends JFrame
JButton imageButton;
boolean nowRed;
JLabel description;
JPanel buttonPanel, labelPanel;
// added to make applet more displayable
Font biggerFont;
// content pane for this frame
Container myContentPane;
// JButtons and JLabels can contain Icons. Icon is actually an
// interface, and ImageIcon is (from the Java 1.2.2
// API) "An implementation of the Icon interface that
// paints Icons from Images."
ImageIcon myImageIcon;
// constructor for this JFrame subclass
public TryImageButton1Frame()
// this will be instantiated as an inner listener
// class for the image button
ActionListener toggListener;
// get content pane for this JFrame
myContentPane = getContentPane();
// set up window-closing for the instance of this
// TryImageButton1Frame, with an anonymous inner class
addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter()
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
// I'm going to use the content pane's default
// BorderLayout this time...
// now, I have placed a .gif file in the same
// directory as my TryImageButton1.class file.
// so, this instantiates my IconImage instance
// using a .gif file in the same directory as
// the .class file. (BEWARE --- you cannot run this
// successfully within BlueJ! Compile it in BlueJ,
// run it from the DOS prompt...)
myImageIcon = new ImageIcon("train.gif");
// now, one of JButton's constructors can take an
// Icon as a parameter...
imageButton = new JButton(myImageIcon);
nowRed = true;
toggListener = new ToggleListener();
buttonPanel = new JPanel();
myContentPane.add(buttonPanel, "Center");
// here's a little label under the imageButton ---
// note: did you know that you can set the
// horizontal alignment within a JLabel?
description = new JLabel("a button with an image",
biggerFont = new Font("Serif", Font.PLAIN, 30);
labelPanel = new JPanel();
myContentPane.add(labelPanel, "South");
// set the size for the instance of this TryImageButton1Frame
//setSize(400, 500);
pack(); // size the frame based
// on the components within
// this special listener handles toggling the imageButton's
// background color
private class ToggleListener implements ActionListener
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
// toggle from current color
if (nowRed)
nowRed = false;
nowRed = true;