Please send questions to .
 * TryJFramePainting
 * Try to redo TryJAppletPainting2 so that it is for a JFrame
 * instead of for a JApplet. Can we get the repaint to work, also,
 * so that the rectangle is drawn with a new width whenever a new
 * "legal" width is entered into the textfield? Yes;
 * Other slight twist here: PaintPanel is in a separate class
 * within the same directory/BlueJ project.
 * modified by: Sharon M. Tuttle
 * last modified: 2-26-01

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.border.*;

public class TryJFramePainting
	public static void main(String args[])
		// subclass of JFrame for this application
		TryJFramePaintingFrame	mainFrame;

		mainFrame = new TryJFramePaintingFrame();

		mainFrame.setTitle("\"Painting\" on a JFrame");;

// this class within TryJFramePainting sets up a custom extension
// of JFrame for this application, one that has a painted JPanel
// upon it
class TryJFramePaintingFrame extends JFrame implements ActionListener
	// I do not paint on the frame itself, nor even on its
	// content pane --- I paint on a "local" extension of JPanel
	private PaintPanel 		paintOnMe;
	private Container		myContentPane;

	// in the South, I'll now have a panel with a labelled
	// textfield, awaiting a rectangle width
	private JLabel			rectWidthLabel;
	private JTextField		rectWidthField;
	private JPanel			rectWidthPanel;
	public TryJFramePaintingFrame()
		myContentPane = getContentPane();

		// instantiate an instance of my "local" panel for painting on
		// with initial blue rectangle width of 100. Let's give it a
		// border, too --- can I do that, here? Or not?
		paintOnMe = new PaintPanel(100);
		paintOnMe.setBorder(new TitledBorder(
			new EtchedBorder(), "Painted Area"));

		myContentPane.add(paintOnMe, "Center");		
		// set up window-closing handling for this frame
		addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter()
				public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)

		setSize(500, 500);

		// set up the rectWidthLabel and rectWidthField on
		// a rectWidthPanel. Let's give the rectWidthPanel a border,
		// too.
		rectWidthPanel = new JPanel();
		rectWidthPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
		rectWidthPanel.setBorder(new TitledBorder(
			new EtchedBorder(), "Control Width of Rectangle"));

		rectWidthLabel = new JLabel("Enter integer width (10-400): ");

		rectWidthField = new JTextField(5);

		myContentPane.add(rectWidthPanel, "South");

	public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
		int	newWidth;

		// if value entered in the rectWidthField is an integer in 
		// the right range, paint the new-width rectange. Else
		// clear out the rectWidthField to await another try
			newWidth = Integer.parseInt(rectWidthField.getText());
			if ((newWidth >= 10) && (newWidth <= 400))
				// notice that this is a method of my local
				// extension of JPanel
		catch (NumberFormatException exc)