Please send questions to .
 * TryJFrames1
 * this is a Swing version of (approximately)
 * It uses the Swing versions of the AWT components used in
 * modified by: Sharon M. Tuttle
 * last modified: 2-12-01

// notice what we now also need to import...!
import  javax.swing.*;

// and, note that we STILL need these --- we are not
// using AWT components, but we *are* still using 
// AWT layout managers, event model, colors, fonts, etc.
import  java.awt.*;
import  java.awt.event.*;

public class TryJFrames1
	public static void main(String args[])    
		// using a subclass of JFrame defined below in this file;
		TryJFrames1Frame	mainFrame;

		mainFrame = new TryJFrames1Frame();

		// yes, you still have these methods for JFrames;
		mainFrame.setTitle("TryJFrames1"); ;

		// still setting up size and window-closing in class
		// TryJFrames1Frame...
// note that it extends JFrame... it is a subclass of JFrame.
class TryJFrames1Frame extends JFrame
	// notice we are now using JLabel, JButton here;
	private int     count;
	private JLabel  countLabel;
	private JButton toggleButton;
	private boolean nowGreen;

	// still need constructor for main() use;
	public TryJFrames1Frame()
		// now JLabel, JButton;
		JLabel          welcome, author, version;
		JButton         countButton;
		// NEW: the needed reference to this JFrame's
		// content pane
		Container       myContentPane;

		// NEW: get content pane for this JFrame
		myContentPane = getContentPane();

		// these will be instantiated as inner listener
		// classes for the two buttons
		ActionListener ctListener, toggListener;        
		// set up window-closing for the instance of this
		// TryJFramesFrame, again with an anonymous inner class
		addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter()
				public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)

		// NEW: notice that you set the layout manager for the  
		// content pane;
		myContentPane.setLayout(new FlowLayout());

		// JLabels can be set up very much as AWT Labels are;
		welcome = new JLabel("Welcome to a JFrame example");

		// NEW --- note what JButton instance is add()'ed to,
		// however! again, to the content pane;

		// same applies for these other basic components;
		author = new JLabel("Sharon M. Tuttle");

		version = new JLabel("Version 1.2");

		countButton = new JButton("count clicks");
		// still using inner class CountListener to
		// handle countButton's events;
 		count = 0;
		ctListener = new CountListener();

		countLabel = new JLabel("count clicks button pressed: 0 times");
		nowGreen = true;
		toggleButton = new JButton("toggle color");
		// still using inner class ToggleListener to
		// handle toggleButton's events;
		toggListener = new ToggleListener();

		// yup, JFrame does have a setSize() method, still;
		setSize(250, 200);

	// this special listener handles counting button
	private class CountListener implements ActionListener
		public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
			// only possible action is a counting button
			// press --- increase press count accordingly
			countLabel.setText("count clicks button pressed: " +
							    count + " times");

	// this special listener handles toggling the toggle
	// button's background color
	private class ToggleListener implements ActionListener
		public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
			// decide what next background-color-to-be should be
			// for toggleButton
			if (nowGreen)
				nowGreen = false;
				nowGreen = true;