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 * TryJTabbedPane1
 * a simple example of the JTabbedPane component
 * RECOMMENDED SIZE: 500 x 500
 * modified by: Sharon M. Tuttle
 * last modified: 2-26-01

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;

// oops --- that's a 1 (One), not an l (lower-case el) at the end
// of this class name! JTabbedPane...
public class TryJTabbedPane1 extends JApplet 
	Container		myContentPane;
	JTabbedPane		myTPane;
	public void init()
		JButton		paneButton;
		JPanel		panePanel;

		myContentPane = getContentPane();

		// create a new instance of a JTabbedPane
		myTPane = new JTabbedPane();

		// one way to add a tabbed pane: use the addTab()
		// method with a string name for the tab, followed
		// by the component to appear on that tab.
		// here we are, adding a JLabel on one tabbed pane
		myTPane.addTab("JLabel Greeting", new JLabel("Bonjour"));

		// now let's add a JButton on another tabbed pane
		paneButton = new JButton("JButton on a Pane");
		paneButton.setFont(new Font("serif", Font.BOLD, 26));
		myTPane.addTab("JButton Demo", paneButton);

		// can I add a JPanel on the tabbed pane?
		panePanel = new JPanel();
		panePanel.add(new JButton("dummy button"));

		myTPane.addTab("JPanel Demo", panePanel);

		// finally: don't forget to add the tabbed pane itself
		// to the appropriate content pane...!
		myContentPane.add(myTPane, "Center");