Please send questions to .
// can I call my Delete from another Java class?
// (not an applet --- they are normally not permitted
// to delete files, etc.!)
// last modified: 10-27-00

import  java.awt.*;
import  java.awt.event.*;
import  javax.swing.*;

public class UseDelete
        public static void main(String args[])
                UseDeleteFrame thisFrame = new UseDeleteFrame();

		thisFrame.setSize(600, 400);
		thisFrame.setTitle("Using Our Delete Class");;

class UseDeleteFrame extends JFrame implements ActionListener
	JLabel			title, fileToDeleteLabel;
	JTextArea		filesList;
	JScrollPane		filesListPane;
	JTextField 		fileToDeleteField;

	String			currentDirectory;
	File			currDirFile; 

	public UseDeleteFrame()
		Container	myContentPane;

		myContentPane = getContentPane();
		myContentPane.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
		// gracefully handle a window closing event                      
                addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter()
                                public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)

		// this text area will hold names of files in current
		// directory 
		filesList = new JTextArea(10, 20);
		// if I put this JTextArea into a JScrollPane
		// in this way, then
		// the scroll pane will add scroll bars when
		// needed...!
		filesListPane = new JScrollPane(filesList);

		// here's how you can get the name of
		// the current working directory!
		currentDirectory = System.getProperty("user.dir");
		System.out.println("currentDirectory: " + currentDirectory);

		// get File object for current directory
		currDirFile = new File(currentDirectory);

		// this local method gets the files in currDirFile and
		// displays them in a JTextArea one
		// file name per line
		fillFilesList(currDirFile, filesList);
		fileToDeleteLabel = new JLabel("type file to delete: ");				

		fileToDeleteField = new JTextField(20);

	// display the names of files in the directory corresponding
	// to currDir in the text area currFilesList
	private void fillFilesList(File currDir, JTextArea currFilesList)
		String		fileNamesToPrint;
		String[] 	filesInCurrDir;

		// what are the names of the files in
		// the current directory, at this point?
		filesInCurrDir = currDir.list(); 
		// put each in a string, each followed by a
		// newline character
		fileNamesToPrint = "";
		for (int i = 0; i < filesInCurrDir.length; i++)
			fileNamesToPrint += filesInCurrDir[i] + "\n";

		// make that the parameter text area's contents
	public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
		String  fileNameToDelete;

		fileNameToDelete = fileToDeleteField.getText();

		// can I call my method delete()?
		// (I think it is because it is static that it can 
		// be called this way)
		// note that, since it CAN throw an exception I
		// need to call it in a try-catch block!

			// deleted file should now be gone from
			// text area filesList
			fillFilesList(currDirFile, filesList);			
		catch (IllegalArgumentException exc)
		// whether delete succeeds or fails, I think I
		// should clear the input textfield...