Please send questions to .
// simple variation on HelloName (to see if I
// can do it...!) --- let user specify a particular name!
// try to call it using
//  (or substituting the user name of your choice, of course!)
// modifications are from "Java Examples in a Nutshell", Flanagan,
// p. 462 (and comments marked [JEN] are from there)
// comments marked with [SST] are quoted from the 
// first simple Servlet example in the Sun
// Servlets Tutorial, available at
// assumptions: to compile, must set certain environment variables!
// last modified: 4-30-01

import* ;
import javax.servlet.* ;
import javax.servlet.http.* ;

// notice that you extend HttpServlet...
public class st10GreetMe extends HttpServlet
	// [SST] "Handle the HTTP GET method by building a 
	// simple web page."

        public void doGet (HttpServletRequest request,
                           HttpServletResponse response)
                throws ServletException, IOException
                PrintWriter     out;
		String name;
		// [JEN] "see if the username is specified by
		// the request"
		name = request.getParameter("username");

		// [JEN] "If not, look in the session object. The web
		// server or servlet container performs session
		// tracking automatically for the servlet, and
		// associates a HttpSession object with each session"
		if (name == null)
			name = (String)request.getSession().getValue("username");

		// [JEN] and use a default name, otherwise!	
		if (name == null) 
			name = "whoever you are";

		// [SST] "set content type and other response 
		// header fields first"

		// [SST] "then write the data of the response"
                out = response.getWriter();
                out.println("<H2>Greetings and Salutations, oh " + name + "</H2>");
		out.print("<p><a href=");
		out.println("Click here</a> to reach CIS 480 web page.</p>");
        } // doGet
} // HelloServlet