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// st10HelloServlet: a first servlet example
// modified from Oracle Application Server Documentation,
// (probably only visible from on-campus),
// JServlet Tutorial section
// comments marked with [SST] are quoted from the 
// first simple Servlet example in the Sun
// Servlets Tutorial, available at
// assumptions: to compile, must set certain environment variables!
// Assume that your username on sorrel is abc13.
// 1. copy this file into your account, BUT change its name to
// 2. edit your file, so that class name is also abc13HelloServlet!
// 3. compile it.
// 4. If compiled class file is currently in your home directory and
//    is world-readable and world-executable, you can run it using
//    the URL:
// (FOR NOW: please start all of your class names with your
// sorrel username, to avoid confusion and name collisions!)
// (to run my copy, however, would need to use the URL:
// ...)
// last modified: 4-30-01

// notice the packages imported...
import* ;
import javax.servlet.* ;
import javax.servlet.http.* ;

// notice that you extend HttpServlet...
public class st10HelloServlet extends HttpServlet 
	// [SST] "Handle the HTTP GET method by building a 
	// simple web page."

	public void doGet (HttpServletRequest request,
                           HttpServletResponse response) 
		throws ServletException, IOException
		PrintWriter	out;

		// [SST]"set content type and other response 
		// header fields first"
		// [SST] "then write the data of the response"
		out = response.getWriter();
		out.println("<H2>Hello World</H2>");
	} // doGet
} // HelloServlet