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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# let's say that this reads from a previously-created counter file,
# IF one exists --- ELSE it creates one!
print "Content-type: text/plain", "\n\n";
# this is big'n'ugly --- let's stick it in a variable
$ctr_file = "class9_04_counter";
if (-e $ctr_file)
open COUNTER, "< $ctr_file"
or #die "Cannot open $ctr_file: $!";
print "open of $ctr_file failed\n";
chomp($ct = <COUNTER>);
close COUNTER; # close reading filehandle
# if DIDN'T exist === let's consider initial value
# of $ct to be 0...
$ct = 0;
# ...and now open writing filehandle (which will CREATE file, if
# didn't exist before...)
open COUNTER, "> $ctr_file"
or #die "Cannot open $ctr_file for writing: $!";
print "cannot open $ctr_file for writing\n";
print COUNTER "$ct\n";
close COUNTER; # close output filehandle
print "$ct";