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-- CIS 180 - Intro to SQL
-- Class 3 - 3-3-03
-- last modified: 3-3-03
-- write script results to file 180class3_results.txt
spool 180class3_results.txt
-- Cartesian product using SQL Select statement
-- select *
-- from tbl1, tbl2;
-- cartesian product of tbl1 and tbl2
select *
from dept, empl;
-- equi-join using SQL Select statement
-- select *
-- from tbl1, tbl2
-- where tbl1.common_column = tbl2.common_column;
-- equi-join of tbl1 and tbl2 on common column common_column
-- (common_column is often a PRIMARY key in one table, and a
-- FOREIGN KEY in the other...)
-- equi-join on tables dept, empl on their "common" column
-- dept_num
select *
from dept, empl
where dept.dept_num = empl.dept_num;
-- equi-join on tables empl, customer
-- on common column empl_num in empl, empl_rep in customer
select *
from customer, empl
where empl_rep = empl_num; -- column names differ, don't HAVE to
-- put the table names first
-- table aliases
-- can RENAME a table temporarily (for a single select statement!)
-- select *
-- from tbl new_name
-- where cond;
-- tbl must now be referred to as new_name for this entire
-- select statement;
select *
from dept d, empl e
where d.dept_num = e.dept_num;
-- but --- you MUST use this alias THROUGHOUT the select statement...
-- let's say you JUSTS want to project the dept_num, dept_name,
-- and empl_last_name --- that's additional projection from an
-- equi-join, right?
select dept_num, dept_name, empl_last_name
from dept d, empl e
where d.dept_num = e.dept_num;
select dept.dept_num, dept_name, empl_last_name
from dept d, empl e
where d.dept_num = e.dept_num;
-- THIS version works:
select d.dept_num, dept_name, empl_last_name
from dept d, empl e
where d.dept_num = e.dept_num;
-- THIS works, too:
select e.dept_num, dept_name, empl_last_name
from dept d, empl e
where d.dept_num = e.dept_num;
-- 3-table equi-joins, and more...
-- RULE OF THUMB: when you join X tables, you MUST have (X-1)
-- join conditions!!!!!!
-- what if I want to see the customer last name, the name of
-- their empl rep, and the department name and department location
-- of their empl rep?
select cust_lname customer, empl_last_name sales_rep, dept_name, dept_loc
from customer c, empl e, dept d
where empl_rep = empl_num
and e.dept_num = d.dept_num;
-- when MUST you use table aliases?
-- what if I want to show each employee's last name, AND the
-- last name of their manager?
-- MUST use table aliases for this...
select e1.empl_last_name employee, e2.empl_last_name manager
from empl e1, empl e2
where e1.mgr = e2.empl_num;
-- COMBINING selection, projection, and equi-join (and order by!)
-- these can be combined as MUCH as you wish!
-- what I I want to show the employee last names and their
-- managers' names and their salaries for salesmen making
-- less than or equal to 1500, ordered by increasing salary?
select e1.empl_last_name employee, e2.empl_last_name manager, e1.salary
from empl e1, empl e2
where e1.mgr = e2.empl_num
and e1.job_title = 'Salesman'
and e1.salary <= 1500
order by e1.salary;
-- stop writing results to file 180class3_results.txt
spool off