Please send questions to .
-- CIS 180 - Intro to SQL
-- Class 9 - 4-4-03

-- last modified: 4-4-03, post-class

-- clear columns, breaks, and computes before I begin

clear col
clear break
clear compute

spool 180class9_results.txt

-- HW #8, number 7...

(select    movie_title, count(*) "# Times Rented"
 from      movie m, video v, rental r
 where     m.movie_num = v.movie_num
 and       v.vid_id = r.vid_id
 group by  movie_title)
(select	   movie_title, 0
 from      movie m
 where     not exists
           (select 'a'
            from   video v, rental r
            where  v.vid_id = r.vid_id
            and    v.movie_num = m.movie_num))
order by    "# Times Rented" desc, movie_title;

-- setting up a clean set of empl, dept, customer tables

@ set_up_ex_tbls


-- || makes two strings into one...

select    cust_lname || ', ' || cust_fname "Customer",
          cust_city || ', ' || cust_state || '   ' || cust_zip "Location" 
from      customer
order by  cust_lname;


-- 1. Your script should explicitly make any SQL*Plus settings
--    that you want for that script's execution

-- 2. Your script should explicitly RESET any made back to their
--    DEFAULT values at the END of that script, to avoid disrupting
--    the behavior of other SQL scripts or of whatever the user
--    may choose to do next after running your script!

-- reminder about /

-- remember that / causes the last SQL (not SQL*Plus!) command to be
-- re-run --- convenient when you are tweaking formatting with SQL*Plus!


-- commands for setting top (ttitle) and bottom (btitle) titles on a page

-- (these have numerous additional options --- see Oracle documentation!)

-- ttitle off
-- btitle off
-- (and these HAVE been added to END of this script!)

-- give them a SINGLE string, and use | inside that string whenever you 
-- want a line break within the title:

ttitle 'My Beautiful|Four Line|Title|of Glory'

btitle ' |My Quaint|Bottom Title'

-- when will you see this? at the top and bottom of each "page";
-- page's size? Can be reset using pagesize (discussed below)
-- and note that each query's result's start on a new "page"

-- let's look at our previous query with these top and bottom titles:


-- you can see what the current setting of ttitle and btitle are
-- by simply typing:

-- PAGESIZE - how many lines in a "page"

show pagesize
set pagesize 30

-- you can set pagesize to 0 to mean, NEVER want page breaks (when
-- you want to generate a flat file of data for another program,
-- for example



-- (put CLEAR COL) at beginning of script!)

-- the BIG thing to remember: these do NOT change the tables or data
-- in ANY WAY --- they are simply DISPLAY preferences;

-- use a for formatting strings (and dates, too) --- a is for
-- ALPHANUMERIC (thanks to B. Gilden)
-- | in a heading is where you want a next line to begin in that
-- heading;

column empl_last_name heading 'Employee|Last Name' format a25

select  *
from    empl;

-- look! you don't have to have quotes to use a multi-line 
-- column heading!
column empl_last_name heading Employee|Name format a10

-- but, you MUST have quotes if a heading has a space!
-- (this fails...)
prompt FAILS --- need QUOTES if a column heading contains a space:
column empl_last_name heading Employee|Last Name format a25

-- hey look --- double quotes work, too...
column empl_last_name heading "Employee|Last Name" format a13 

-- lets make the employee last name column a trifle narrower
-- (note how too-short a format for a string column causes ugly
-- wrapping to next line;)

column empl_last_name heading 'Employee|Last Name' format a2

-- if you put TRUNCATED (or TRU) after a format --- will TRUNCATE (cut off)
-- after that many characters, instead of wrapping:

column empl_last_name heading 'Employee|Last Name' format a2 TRUNCATED

-- you can have WRAPPED (the default), to wrap at EXACTLY the column
-- width --- or WOR (for WORD WRAPPED), to break on a blank

insert into empl(empl_num, empl_last_name, job_title, mgr, hiredate, salary,
('9999', 'de la Garza', 'Manager', '7839', sysdate, 2800, '500');

clear col
column empl_last_name format a8

select *
from   empl
where  empl_num = '9999';

column empl_last_name format a8 WOR

-- can format so a column is wide enough for its entire heading...
-- (yes, if do not want heading or format, just don't put that clause)
column empl_num format a8

-- use format A (alphanumeric) for dates as well

-- some numeric formatting examples

-- let's play with formatting salaries...
column salary heading 'Salary' format 99999
select empl_last_name, dept_num, salary
from   empl;

-- let's make dept_num and empl last name look nicer

column dept_num heading 'Dept#' format a5
column empl_last_name heading 'Employee|Last Name' format a10

-- note that dept_num in ANY table will be formatted using this, now

select *
from   empl;

select *
from   dept;

-- let's make it too narrow:
column salary heading 'Salary' format 99

-- let's make it better:
column salary heading 'Salary' format 99999

-- let's add fractional parts..
-- (more fractional places? it rounds...)
column salary heading 'Salary' format 99999.99

-- do you want the comma?
column salary heading 'Salary' format 99,999.99

-- and a dollar sign, since this is money
column salary heading 'Salary' format $99,999.99

-- make first digit in format a 0 to get leading zeros
column salary heading 'Salary' format $09,999.99

-- no 0 for values less than 1, more than or equal to 0, this way:
column commission heading 'Commission' format $9,999.99
select  empl_last_name, commission
from    empl
where   job_title = 'Salesman';

-- this'll get you that 0:
column commission heading 'Commission' format $9,990.99

-- I can give one column the same format as another using "like"
column salary heading 'Salary' format $99,990.99
column commission like salary heading 'Commission'

select  empl_last_name, salary, commission
from    empl
where   job_title = 'Salesman';


-- it can be useful to make a query with computed columns into
-- a view, to give the computation a name suitable for use in
-- a column command;

-- consider:

select  dept_name, avg(salary)
from    dept d, empl e
where   e.dept_num = d.dept_num
group by dept_name;

-- ?! Oddly enough, this works:

column avg(salary) heading dept_avg format $9999.99

-- ...but EVERY avg(salary) then gets the same treatment...
select avg(salary)
from   empl;

-- ...which is a trifle odd, if you forget about the column
-- command.

-- here's an alternative:

drop view avg_dept_salary;
create view avg_dept_salary(dept_name, avg_salary) as
select  dept_name, avg(salary)
from    dept d, empl e
where   e.dept_num = d.dept_num
group by dept_name;

column avg_salary heading 'Avg Salary' format $9999.99
column dept_name heading 'Dept Name' format a10

select   *
from     avg_dept_salary
order by avg_salary desc;

-- BREAK command
-- do NOT confuse with GROUP BY clause!
-- it is used in conjunction with ORDER BY clause to get
-- "prettier" ordered table displays 

-- note how this looks...

select          dept_num, empl_last_name, salary
from            empl
order by        dept_num;

column dept_num heading 'Dept' format a4

-- this BREAK causes only the "first" dept_num in a "row" to
-- display;

break on empl on dept_num 

-- I can get blank lines between each broken-into section:

break on empl on dept_num skip 1

column mgr heading Mgr 
select          dept_num, mgr, empl_last_name, salary
from            empl
order by        dept_num, mgr;

-- can have the break effect on more than one column at a time ---
-- BUT only 1 break command can be in effect at one time, so
-- put ALL the columns you want to break on in a single break command

break on empl on dept_num on mgr skip 1

-- and to NOT get the skip after each manager? (thanks to C. McLain)
break on empl on dept_num skip 1 on mgr

-- NOTE that a break must be on ONE line, but I can continue
-- a line by ending it with a single -

break on empl on dept_num -
skip 3

-- COMPUTE will let you make computations on those broken-into sections
-- (this works in CONJUNCTION with a break!!)

break on empl on dept_num skip 1 on mgr
compute sum of salary on dept_num

compute avg min max of salary on dept_num

break on empl on dept_num skip 1
compute count of empl_last_name on dept_num

-- see how can have MORE than one compute at a time?
clear compute
compute count of empl_last_name on dept_num

-- 'compute' will show you your current compute definition
-- and 'break' will show you your current break definition

-- (NOTE that each break CLEARS/replaces the previous
-- break --- CAN have more than one compute in effect at once, however)

-- to customize how your compute results are labeled:
-- label option for compute command: (compliments of Mr. Serrano)
column dept_num format a5
break on dept_num skip 1
compute sum label 'total' of salary on dept_num
select    dept_num, empl_last_name, salary
from      empl
order by  dept_num;

-- feedback: that little line saying how many rows were selected
-- by a query

-- want to know its current value? Here's how:
show feedback

-- here's how to set the feedback to a different number:
set feedback 3
show feedback

-- this'll note that 4 rows were selected.

select  *
from    empl
where   job_title = 'Manager';

-- this will not note that one row was:
select  *
from    empl
where   commission = 0;

-- this will simply turn feedback OFF

set feedback off

-- linesize: how many characters are in a line

show linesize
set linesize 50

-- newpage: the number of blank lines to put before the top title
-- of a page (if any)
-- (appears that each SQL select result starts on a new "page", pagesize-
-- and newpage-wise)

show newpage
set newpage 5

-- can set newpage to 0 as well --- nice for creating a flat file
-- of input

-- (oddly enough, the number of lines in a page is
-- pagesize + newpage...)

-- REMINDER: prompt: print a message to the screen (or to a file, of course,
-- if spooling

prompt Hello, there, here is a message

-- (you already have echo set off by default, which is what you want
-- in a report!) (BUT to make SURE it is off when a user RUNS your script,
-- SHOULD explicitly include this anyway!)
set echo off

spool off

-- quick flat file example:

-- aha! space is # of spaces BETWEEN columns; default is 1
set space 0

set newpage 0
set linesize 80
set pagesize 0
set echo off
set feedback off

-- you can say no column headings, too!

set heading off

spool  flat_empl_data.txt

select  empl_last_name || ',' || salary
from    empl;

spool off

-- clean up when done (so as to not shock user with their
-- next query)
clear col
clear break
clear compute

set pagesize    14
set space       1
set feedback    6
set linesize    80
set newpage     1
set heading     on

-- to turn off titles set!
ttitle off
btitle off