Homeworks and Handouts
CIS 180 L - Section 3
Intro to SQL
Spring 2003
Last modified: Fri Apr 4 11:43:54 PST 2003
Important Announcements:
- For versions of handouts that were also given out on-paper, the on-line
formatting will likely vary from the actual paper handouts,
but the content should be the same.
- Homework #9
- Homework #8
- Homework #7
- Homework #6
- CORRECTION NOTE: be sure to call
commit as the final action of question #2, to
prevent undoing hw3_setup.sql's insertions into the rental
table when you rollback in later HW #6 questions!!
- Homework #6
(in RTF - Rich Text Format) (above correction has been added)
- hw3_setup.sql
- Homework #5
- Homework #4
- Homework #3
- PLEASE NOTE TYPO: on #8 and #9, perform the
same query as #7 with the specified changes!!,
not the same query as #6 as erroneously stated...
- Homework #3 (in RTF - Rich Text
- hw3_setup.sql
- Homework #2 (in RTF - Rich Text Format)
- Homework #1 (in RTF - Rich Text Format)
- set_up_ex_tbls.sql --- SQL script
to set up example empl, dept, and
customer tables.
- UNIX handout (in RTF -
Rich Text Format) (from class session 1, 2-24-03)
- Course Syllabus (in RTF -
Rich Text Format)
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Please send questions to
st10@humboldt.edu .