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/* 1.0 (interface)               */
/* by Sharon Tuttle                             */
/* last modified: 3-11-03                        */

public interface Cs132Stack 
    // Purpose: returns true iff stack has no elements
    public boolean isEmpty();

    // Purpose: add given data newElement to top of stack
    public void push(Object newElement);

    // Purpose: IF stack is not empty, REMOVE element from top
    //          of stack and return it
    //          If it IS empty, throw a StackEmptyException.
    public Object pop() throws StackEmptyException;

    // Purpose: IF stack is not empty, return (NONDESTRUCTIVELY) the
    //          top element of the stack.
    //          If it IS empty, throw a StackEmptyException
    public Object getTop() throws StackEmptyException;