/* EntryTest1.java 1.0 2-4-03 */ /* by S. Tuttle */ public class EntryTest extends JPFalt { public static void main(String[] args) { new EntryTest(); } /** Test suite for the class Entry **/ /*--------------------------------------------------------------- Define at least one Entry object, print the member data values, and test *simple* accessor functions. --------------------------------------------------------------*/ void TestEntry() { println("\nDefine Entry objects, print member data values"); Entry entry1 = new Entry("Jane", "NHW 111", "x1111"); println(entry1); println(entry1.getName()); println(entry1.getAddress()); println(entry1.getPhone()); Entry entry2 = new Entry("Joseph"); println(entry2); println(entry2.getName()); println(entry2.getAddress()); println(entry2.getPhone()); } /*------------------------------------------------- Test the match() method -------------------------------------------*/ void matchTest() { Entry entry1 = new Entry("George", "NHW 222", "x2222"); testHeader("match()"); expected( true ); actual( entry1.match("George") ); expected( false ); actual( entry1.match("Ann") ); } }