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// File: htable.h
// Name: Sharon M. Tuttle
// last modified: 2-10-05
// Class name: htable
// Description: a simple hash table of non-negative integers
// with a fixed capacity.
#ifndef HTABLE_H
#define HTABLE_H
class htable
// capacity is a constant in this particular
// implementation
// better if it is prime, remember! And C. E. Radke's
// 1970 study suggests a prime of the form 4k + 3...
static const int HTABLE_CAP = 23;
static const int NEVER_USED = -1;
static const int PREVIOUSLY_USED = -2;
// postcondition: creates an empty htable instance with a
// fixed capacity
/* ACCESSORS and other constant member functions (observers) */
// postcondition: returns true if htable is empty, and
// returns false otherwise
bool is_empty( ) const;
// postcondition: returns true if htable is full (if it contains
// number of items equal to its capacity), and returns
// false otherwise
bool is_full( ) const;
// precondition: target >= 0
// postcondition: returns true if <target> is in htable;
// returns false otherwise.
bool is_in_table(int target) const;
// postcondition: returns the capacity of the htable (how many
// items it CAN hold)
int get_capacity( ) const;
// postcondition: returns the number of elements currently
// in the htable
int get_size( ) const;
/* MODIFIERS and other modifying member functions */
// preconditions:
// * is_full() == false
// * entry >= 0
// postconditions:
// * if <entry> is already in htable, returns false
// and htable remains unchanged
// * if <entry> is not already in htable, adds it to
// htable and returns true
bool insert(int entry);
// precondition: entry >= 0
// postconditions:
// * if <entry> is not in htable, returns false and
// htable remains unchanged
// * if <entry> is in htable, removes it from htable
// and returns true
bool remove(int entry);
// KLUGY --- normally would not include... BUT, for our
// purposes...
// postcondition: prints the htable's contents to the
// screen, separating each element with at least one
// blank and printing NU for never-used slots and PU
// for previously-used slots.
void print_guts();
int table[HTABLE_CAP]; // array to hold the htable contents
int used; // how much of array contains htable
// elements
// method: hash
// preconditions: target >= 0
// postconditions: returns an index between 0 and
// Examples: [REPLACE these with tests suitable for YOUR hash!!!]
// hash(27) == 4
// hash(23) == 0
// hash(4) == 4
int hash(int target) const;
// method: get_index - a private helper method to obtain
// the actual location in table of <target>
// preconditions: target >= 0
// postconditions: returns -1 if target is not in table,
// return index where target is located otherwise
// Examples: [REPLACE these with tests suitable for YOUR hash!]
// for int table[] containing target 24 at index 1,
// get_index(24) == 1 [test: right whr hashed]
// for int table[] containing target 553 at index 2,
// get_index(553) == 2 [test: whr have to linear probe]
// for int table[] not containing target 227,
// get_index(227) == -1 [test: whr NOT in htable]
int get_index(int target) const;