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// File: queue.template
// Name: Sharon M. Tuttle
// last modified: 2-1-05
// Template class name: queue
// Purpose: a collection of items such that entries can be 
//    inserted at one end (called the rear) and removed at the 
//    other end (called the front).
// Implementation notes: 
//     * uses a dynamically-allocated array
//     * if there is insufficient dynamic memory, then the
//       following methods throw bad_alloc: enqueue

#include <cassert> // provides assert
// note: because this is a template class, it is included
//    in the header file (at the bottom), and not compiled
//    separately. Thus, the header file is not included here!
using namespace std;

/* CONSTRUCTORS and DESTRUCTOR                       */

// constructor
// postcondition: creates an empty queue instance
template <typename Item>
    data = new Item[DEFAULT_CAPACITY];
    capacity = DEFAULT_CAPACITY;
    used = 0;
    first = 0;
    last = capacity - 1;    // first element enqueued should go in 0...

// copy constructor (because am using a pointer to
//    point to an array, so that array can be replaced with
//    a larger one as needed.
template <typename Item>
queue<Item>::queue(const queue<Item>& source)
    data = new Item[source.capacity];
    capacity = source.capacity;
    used = source.used;

    // copy over all array contents (so a "real" copy);
    //    some may be junk, but with a circular queue,
    //    "real" data may not start at 0...!
    for (int i=0; i<capacity; i++)
        data[i] = source[i];

    first = source.first;
    last = source.last;

// destructor (because am using a pointer to point to
//    an array, so that array can be replaced with a
//    larger one as needed.
template <typename Item>
    delete [] data;

/* ACCESSORS and other constant member functions (observers) */

// is_empty
// postcondition: returns true if queue is empty, and
//    returns false otherwise
template <typename Item>
bool    queue<Item>::is_empty( ) const
    return (used == 0);

// get_front
// precondition: is_empty() == false
// postcondition: returns the value of the front item of the
//    queue, BUT the queue is unchanged.
template <typename Item>
Item    queue<Item>::get_front( ) const
    assert(is_empty() == false);


/* MODIFIERS and other modifying member functions    */

// enqueue
// postcondition: a new copy of entry has been inserted
//    at the rear of the queue
template <typename Item>
void    queue<Item>::enqueue(const Item& entry)
    Item *larger_data;	// IF need to create new, larger array
    int  old_capacity;

    if (used == capacity)
        old_capacity = capacity;
        capacity += queue<Item>::INCR_AMT;

        larger_data = new Item[capacity];
        // ouch -- this is the tricky part;
        //    Need to restart circular array so goes from
        //    0 to (used-1) in new bigger array, else
        //    next inserts will nuke first...!
        for (int i=0, next=first; i < used; i++, next = (next + 1) % old_capacity)
            larger_data[i] = data[next];

        // now first and last must be reset, too; first is now
        //    0, last is now (used-1)
        first = 0;
        last = used-1;

        // release the memory data currently pointing to
        delete [ ] data;

        // now make data point to the new, bigger array
        data = larger_data;

    // use modulo arithmetic, so "wrap" index when reach end 
    //    of array
    last = (last + 1) % capacity;

    data[last] = entry;

// dequeue
// precondition: is_empty() == false
// postcondition: the front item of the queue has been
//    removed, and a reference to it is returned
template <typename Item>
Item&   queue<Item>::dequeue( )
    int old_first;

    assert(is_empty() == false);

    old_first = first;

    // use modulo arithmetic, so "wrap" index when reach end 
    //    of array
    first = (first + 1) % capacity;


    return data[old_first];