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// File: fib.cpp
// Name: Sharon Tuttle
// last modified: 1-28-05
// Contract: fib : int -> int
// Purpose: return the number in the <position> position in the
// Fibonacci sequence, assuming that 1 is in the 1st
// position, 1 is also in the 2nd position, 2 is in the 3rd
// position, etc.
// preconditions:
// * <position> >= 1
// postconditions:
// * returns the number in the <position> position in the
// Fibonacci sequence
// Examples:
// fib(1) == 1
// fib(2) == 1
// fib(3) == 2
// fib(8) == 21
#include <cassert>
using namespace std;
int fib(int position)
assert(position >= 1);
// base caseS!
if ((position == 1) || (position == 2))
return 1;
// recursive case
return fib(position-1) + fib(position-2);