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// File: recMax.cpp
// Name: Sharon M. Tuttle
// last modified: 1-29-05
// Contract: recMax -> int[] int -> int
// Purpose:  find the largest element in the first <size> elements
//           of non-empty integer array <arr>.
// preconditions:
//           * size > 0
//           * size <= number of elements in arr
// postconditions:
//           * will return the largest element amongst those in the
//             range [arr[0], arr[size-1]] (inclusive)
// Examples: for int exArr[] = {50, 13, 130, 2, 27, 169, -5, 16, 22},
//    recMax(exArr, 9) == 169
//    recMax(exArr, 1) == 50
//    recMax(exArr, 3) == 130

#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;

int recMax(int arr[], int size)
    int restMax;

    // check preconditions that you are able to
    assert(size > 0);

    // base case: if only 1 element, max IS that element;
    if (size == 1)
        return arr[0];

    // recursive case: otherwise, maximum is whatever is larger:
    //    the last element, or the maximum of all of the rest of
    //    the elements;
	restMax = recMax(arr, (size-1));
        if (arr[size-1] > restMax)
            return arr[size-1];
            return restMax;
        //return max(arr[size-1], recMax(arr, (size-1));