Please send questions to .
# Contract: main: asking_profits -> void
# Purpose: Interactively ask user for different ticket prices, over
#          and over, each time printing to the screen the profit that 
#          would result for that ticket price, until user enters a 
#          ticket price of -1.
# Examples: if, when prompted, user enters ticket prices of 5, 4.9, and then
#           -1, the following would be printed to the screen (with prompts
#           in between...):
# profit for a ticket price of 5.0 is: 415.2
# profit for a ticket price of 4.9 is: 476.1
# Thank you -- good-bye!
# By: Sharon M. Tuttle
# last modified: 03-07-07

from profit_ex import *

def asking_profits():

    # set up needed local variables


    # ask user for first ticket price

    print "enter a ticket price for which you'd like to see " 
    curr_ticket_price = float(raw_input(
                            "   the profit (or enter -1 to stop): "))

    # compute profit for each input ticket_price until the sentinel
    #    is entered

    while (curr_ticket_price != SENTINEL_TICKET_PRICE):

        print ""
        print "profit for a ticket price of " + str(curr_ticket_price),
	print "is: " + str(profit(curr_ticket_price))

        print ""
	print "enter the next ticket price for which you'd like to see ";
        curr_ticket_price = float(raw_input(
                                "   the profit (or enter -1 to stop): ")) 

    print ""
    print "Thank you -- good-bye!"