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; CIS 130 - Week 5 - 2-17-10
; we need a conditional, branching statement;
; in this language in DrScheme, that's
; cond, for conditional
; syntax:
; (cond
; [bool-expr1 result-expr1]
; [bool-expr2 result-expr2]
; [bool-expr3 result-expr3]
; ...
; [else result-else-expr]
; )
; semantics:
; if bool-expr1 is true, then the value
; of this cond expression is result-expr1
; ELSE if bool-expr2 is true, then the value
; of the cond expression is result-expr2
; ELSE if bool-expr3 is true, then the value
; of the cond expression is result-expr3,
; and so on -- as soon as a bool-expr in one
; of these pairs is found to be true,
; its result expression is the value of this
; cond;
; if none are true? the else's result-else-expr
; is the value of the cond;
; (the else clause is optional -- but often a
; very good idea!)
(define TESTY 15)
[(< TESTY 10) "first"]
[(< TESTY 20) "second"]
[(> TESTY 0) "third"]
[else "fourth"]
(= 3 5)
; (= "dog" "dog") ; no, you can't use = with non-number expressions
; use equal? to compare ANY two expressions, regardless of type!
(equal? "dog" "dog")
(equal? true false)
(define OWNER "David")
[(equal? OWNER "George") "Hi, wonderful!"]
[(equal? OWNER "Sarah") "Hi, fabulous!"]
[else (string-append "Welcome, " OWNER)]
; consider absolute value:
; in a math book, it might say something like:
; abs-value(x) = x if x >= 0
; -x if x < 0
; contract: abs-value: number -> number
; purpose: expects a number, and it produces
; that number if it is >= 0 and
; it produces the negative of that
; number if it is < 0
;(define (abs-value a-number)
; ...
; HOW MANY check-expects?
; AT LEAST one per "case", at least,
; PLUS one per "boundary" between cases, if applicable
; here, we have 2 "cases", x < 0 and x >= 0, and 1 boundary, x of 0
; so: at LEAST 3 check-expects
(check-expect (abs-value -13) 13)
(check-expect (abs-value 8) 8)
(check-expect (abs-value 0) 0)
; two cases -- so template step can result in:
;(define (abs-value a-number)
; (cond
; [... ...]
; [else ...]
; )
(define (abs-value a-number)
[(< a-number 0) (* -1 a-number)]
[else a-number]
(abs-value -3)
(abs-value 4021)
; for writing boolean expressions (expressions whose result
; have the type boolean),
; < <= > >= = equal? ...are all very useful
; here are a few more:
; and - produces true if ALL of its expressions are true
(and (< 1 3) (< 1 4) (= 5 5))
(and (< 1 3) (< 1 4) (= 4 6) (< 4 5))
(define GRADE 99)
(and (<= GRADE 100) (>= GRADE 0))
; or - produces true if AT LEAST ONE of its expression is true
(or (= 4 5) (= 5 6) (= 6 7) (= 5 5) (= 2 3) (= 7 8))
(or (< GRADE 0) (> GRADE 100))
; not - produces true if its one expression is false
(not true)
(not false)
; and sometimes a nice, precise INTERVAL notation is useful
; for communicating exactly WHERE a boundary belongs...
; for an interval, IF you put [, that end-point is PART of
; that interval:
; [0, 100] - this is ALL numbers from 0 to 100 INCLUSIVE --
; 0 IS in the interval, 100 IS in the interval
; IF you put (, that end-point is NOT part of the
; interval
; [80, 90) -- 80 IS in this interval, 90 is NOT part of this interval
; custom/style: since you can't reach infinity, always put a ( before
; an end-point of -infinity, and a ) after an end-point of infinity
;(100, infinity) - everything greater than 100, NOT including 100
;(-infinite, 15] - everything up to and including 15
; note: in writing conditional functions
; (or heck, ANY time),
; ...if you find yourself repeating some same steps several times,
; why not write a little function to do those steps, and call
; IT several times instead?
; ...if you find a boolean expression too big'n'hairy to conveniently
; place as the bool-expr in an cond [... ...] pair,
; why not write a little bool function (that produces a bool)
; and call that instead?
; ETC. -- don't be afraid to write little "helper" functions,
; often called AUXILIARY functions
; BUT: be sure to use the DESIGN RECIPE on EVERY function,
; auxiliary or not...
; example of a little boolean function
; say I eventually want a function that expects a numeric grade
; and produces the letter grade for that numeric grade
; say I also want it to return a "bad grade" string if a grade
; is outside the interval [0, 100]
; gee, a function that tells me whether a number grade is in
; the "legal" interval of [0, 100] might be useful --
; I decide to write that.
; contract: legal-grade?: number -> boolean
; purpose: expects a numeric grade and produces whether
; or not that grade is in [0, 100]
;(define (legal-grade? num-grade)
; ...
; so -- there are 5 tests needed here:
; for the case <0,
; for the case >100,
; for the case BETWEEN 0 and 100,
; for the boundary 0,
; and for the boundary 100
(check-expect (legal-grade? -1) false)
(check-expect (legal-grade? 102) false)
(check-expect (legal-grade? 93) true)
(check-expect (legal-grade? 0) true)
(check-expect (legal-grade? 100) true)
; you COULD write this as a conditional function,
; but you could ALSO write it as a function whose body
; is a boolean expression - whichever you can get to work!
; (you can always refactor it later -- the tests will help
; make sure you didn't break it in the process..)
(define (legal-grade? num-grade)
(and (>= num-grade 0) (<= num-grade 100))