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created by smtuttle at Tue Apr 27 23:36:09 PDT 2010
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
Contract: get_max : double[] int -> double
Purpose: expects an array of amounts and its size, and produces
the largest amount in that array
Examples: for:
const int NUM_READINGS = 4;
double skunk_readings[NUM_READINGS] = {15, 100, 850, 250};
get_max(skunk_readings, NUM_READINGS) == 850
double get_max(double amounts[], int num_amounts)
double max_so_far = amounts[0];
for (int i=0; i<num_amounts; i++)
if (max_so_far < amounts[i])
max_so_far = amounts[i];
return max_so_far;