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; has a . where the bird image should be! 8-)
; CIS 130 - in-class examples - 2-8-10
; creating animated scenes...
; an example of several functions and definitions working together
; to achieve a desired end;
(define bird .)
; the teachpack has a way to create an
; image called a scene;
; (looks a lot like a rectangle with its pinhole
; at the top left...)
; to get an empty scene, use the empty-scene function
; contract: empty-scene: number number -> scene
; purpose: expects a desired scene width and height in
; pixels, and its produces an instance of a scene
; with that height and width
(empty-scene 300 200)
; to place an image into a scene, use the place-image
; function:
; contract: place-image: image number number scene -> scene
; purpose: expects an image you want in a scene,
; the x-coordinate where you want the image's center,
; the y-coordinate where you want the image's center,
; and the scene you want to put the image in,
; and produces a scene with that image in that location
; BUT NOTE: in the teachpack, (0, 0) is the TOP-LEFT
; corner of a scene ---
; and as x gets BIGGER, you go to the RIGHT,
; and as y gets BIGGER, you go DOWN
(place-image bird 0 0 (empty-scene 300 200))
(place-image bird 150 100 (empty-scene 300 200))
; consider: a movie can be considered as a sequence
; of images rapidly displayed in order
; ...and also consider:
; remember when you graphed functions in algebra:
; x = 1 2 3 4 5
; y = 1 4 9 16 ?
; you can tell that when x is 5, y should be 25;
; ...and if you thought about this as saying,
; at time 1, draw a dot at (1, 1)
; at time 2, draw a dot at (2, 4)
; at time 3, draw a dot at (3, 9)
; could imagine half a parabola being "drawn"
; and you don't want to compute all of these,
; you want an expression - hey! a function! -- that represents
; the entire sequence -- y = x * x
; or -- f(x) = x * x
; let's use the design recipe to quickly write this function:
; contract: square: number -> number
; purpose: it expects a number, and produces the square of that number
(check-expect (square 5) 25)
(check-expect (square 3) 9)
(define (square a-number)
(* a-number a-number)
(square 123)
(place-image bird 150 0 (empty-scene 300 200))
(place-image bird 150 10 (empty-scene 300 200))
(place-image bird 150 20 (empty-scene 300 200))
(place-image bird 150 30 (empty-scene 300 200))
; if I produced a sequence of images such as the above,
; the bird would appear to be moving downward;
; SO: all we need is a way to produce lots of these scenes
; easily, and to display them all in rpaid order;
; for the FIRST part of that ... we need a function!
; a function that produces a scene of a bird at a given y-coordinate
; in a scene;
; ; contract: create-bird-scene: number -> scene
; ; purpose: expects a y-coordinate for a scene, and
; ; it produces a scene of a bird whose pinhole is
; ; at the scene location (150, that y-coordinate)
; (check-expect (create-bird-scene 30)
; (place-image bird 150 30 (empty-scene 300 200)))
; (check-expect (create-bird-scene 100)
; (place-image bird 150 100 (empty-scene 300 200)))
; (define (create-bird-scene y-coord)
; (place-image bird 150 y-coord (empty-scene 300 200))
; )
; (create-bird-scene 100)
; (create-bird-scene 30)
; ; now, the universe teachpack provides a function, animate,
; ; which expects a function (that expects a number and produces
; ; a scene), and has the major side-effect of opening
; ; a CANVAS, and calling that function about 28 times a second
; ; with 1, then 2, then 3, ...,
; ; displaying the resulting scene on the canvas,
; ; UNTIL you close the canvas;
; ; then it produces the last number it called the function with;
; (animate create-bird-scene)
; in extreme programming: there is a term, refactoring
; that's when you improve your code,
; to make it easier to read, or easier to modify,
; or more elegant, etc.;
; (as opposed to DEBUGGING, which is when you are fixing
; code that has some problem;)
; ; let's refactor this a little;
; ; how about giving a name to the WIDTH and HEIGHT of this scene?
; ; let's make them named constants;
; ; (written in all-uppercase, as is a frequence style for named
; ; constants)
; ; (so they look different from, say, your parameters...)
; ;
; ; see how this makes it easier to change the WIDTH and HEIGHT later,
; ; as well as being to read...
; (define WIDTH 300)
; (define HEIGHT 300)
; ; I decide I'd like the bird to be in the "middle" of the scene,
; ; x-coordinate-wise;
; (define BIRD-X (/ WIDTH 2))
; ; I'd like the bird to move through a scene with a sun
; ; instead of blank white scene;
; ; ...I could define a "static" backdrop scene;
; (define BACKDROP
; (place-image (circle 20 "solid" "yellow")
; (- WIDTH 50)
; 50
; (place-image
; (nw:rectangle WIDTH HEIGHT "solid"
; "blue")
; 0
; 0
; (empty-scene WIDTH HEIGHT))))
; ; contract: create-bird-scene: number -> scene
; ; purpose: expects a y-coordinate for a scene, and
; ; it produces a scene of a bird whose pinhole is
; ; at the scene location (150, that y-coordinate)
; (check-expect (create-bird-scene 30)
; (place-image bird BIRD-X 30 BACKDROP))
; (check-expect (create-bird-scene 100)
; (place-image bird BIRD-X 100 BACKDROP))
; (define (create-bird-scene y-coord)
; (place-image bird BIRD-X y-coord BACKDROP)
; )
; (create-bird-scene 100)
; (create-bird-scene 30)
; (animate create-bird-scene)
(define WIDTH 300)
(define HEIGHT 300)
; I decide I'd like the bird to be in the "middle" of the scene,
; y-coordinate-wise;
(define BIRD-Y (/ HEIGHT 2))
(define BACKDROP
(place-image (circle 20 "solid" "yellow")
(- WIDTH 50)
(nw:rectangle WIDTH HEIGHT "solid"
(empty-scene WIDTH HEIGHT))))
; modulo: is the REMAINDER from integer division
(modulo 15 7)
(modulo 157 100) ; remainder is 57
(modulo 1034 100) ; remainder is 34
; ...remainder can NEVER exceed the divisor minus 1!
; so, (modulo anything WIDTH) can never get bigger than (- WIDTH 1)!
; and, (modulo anything HEIGHT) can never get bigger than (- HEIGHT 1)!
; ...what if I used that in my function?
; contract: create-bird-scene: number -> scene
; purpose: expects the current clock-tick
; of a time counter, that will be be used to determine both
; the x AND y coordinate for a scene, and
; it produces a scene of a bird whose pinhole is
; at the scene location ((modulo time-counter WIDTH),
; (modulo time-counter HEIGHT))
(check-expect (create-bird-scene 30)
(place-image bird 30 30 BACKDROP))
(check-expect (create-bird-scene 100)
(place-image bird 100 100 BACKDROP))
(check-expect (create-bird-scene 1034)
(place-image bird 134 134 BACKDROP))
(define (create-bird-scene time-counter)
(place-image bird (modulo time-counter WIDTH)
(modulo time-counter HEIGHT)
(create-bird-scene 100)
(create-bird-scene 30)
(animate create-bird-scene)