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CIS 130 - Week 8, Monday, March 8, 2010
* more practice writing basic C++ functions
* consider: we'd like to write a C++ function to
compute the area of a circle
* you can type the following directly in using funct_play2
on nrs-labs -- I'm going to figure out the pieces
first, and then paste them in
* its contract:
// contract: circ_area: double -> double
* its purpose statement:
expects a circle's radius, and produces the
area of that circle
* its header:
double circ_area(double radius)
* its examples -- and since double values (floating
point numbers, double-precision) are involved,
exact equality is dicey..., I'd like the absolute value of the
difference between the value produced by an
example call, and the expected value of the
example call -- and I'd like that absolute
value to be less than... well, 0.001
abs( circ_area(10) - 314.159 ) < 0.001
* we would like a named constant here;
(NOTE: REMEMBER, named constants should be
written in all-uppercase...)
const double PI = 3.14159;
* so, a body to this function could be:
return PI * radius * radius;
* I want a function to tell me if a temperature
is in the "safe" range of [50, 100)
* contract:
// contract: is_safe: double -> bool
* purpose:
expects a temperature (in Celsius) and
produces whether it is in the safe range
of [50, 100)
* header:
bool is_safe(double temp)
* examples:
I need 5 specific examples/test cases here...
(to left of interval, to right of interval,
in the interval, and both boundaries...)
is_safe(47) == false
is_safe(50) == true
is_safe(90) == true
is_safe(100) == false
is_safe(200) == false
* any named constants? yes, ought to have, here;
const int MIN_SAFE = 50;
const int MAX_SAFE = 100;
* and the body?
return (temp >= MIN_SAFE) && (temp < MAX_SAFE);
* ...if you make an error in the contract or purpose
statement, edit the .cpp file (using the nano text editor,
or your favorite text editor on nrs-labs)
* ...if you make an error in the header of your function,
edit it in BOTH the .cpp and the .h file!
* ...if you make an error in an example/test, edit it
in BOTH the .cpp file and the _ck_expect.cpp file
(but if the _ck_expect.cpp file editing is too much
at this point, ask me for help!)
* ...if you make an error in a named constant declaration,
edit it in the .h file;
* ...if you make an error in the function body,
edit it in the .cpp file;
* ...and after such editing, you can re-compile your
function using the funct_compile tool
(or the funct_play2 tool, if you are careful to
note that a file for your function already exists,
so it won't ask you to create it all over...)