Please send questions to .
Contract: main: void -> int
Purpose: interactively asks user for temperatures until he/she
enters he/she is ready to stop by entering a sentinel-value --
a non-data value -- greater than MAX_TEMP to stop, and
then prints to the screen the number and average of
the temperatures given
Examples: if, when prompted, the user enters:
...then this program should print to the screen:
no temperatures were given
if, when prompted, the user enters:
78.5, 20, -10, 100.6, 200.1
...then this program should print to the screen:
the average temperature of these 4 temperatures is: 47.275
by: Sharon Tuttle
last modified: 04-18-10
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
// set up the local variables and constants needed
const double MAX_TEMP = 200.0;
double curr_temp;
double sum_temps = 0.0;
int num_temps = 0;
// get the temperatures from the user and sum them
cout << "enter first temperature " << endl;
cout << " (or a temp greater than "
<< MAX_TEMP << " to stop): ";
cin >> curr_temp;
while (curr_temp <= MAX_TEMP)
sum_temps += curr_temp;
cout << "enter next temperature " << endl;
cout << " (or a temp greater than "
<< MAX_TEMP << " to stop): ";
cin >> curr_temp;
if (num_temps == 0)
cout << "no temperatures were given" << endl;
cout << "the average temperature of these " << num_temps
<< " temperatures is: " << (sum_temps / num_temps) << endl;