Please send questions to .
  Contract: main: void -> int

  Purpose: ask the user for Scoville ratings and give
           him/her the minimum recommended audience for
	   each, printed to the screen,
	   until he/she enters a negative rating
	   to say he/she is ready to quit -- and then
           it prints to the screen the number of
	   ratings given by the user, and the highest
           of Scoville rating given
  Examples: if, when I run this program, I enter:
            250, 750, 1250, 500, 1000, -2 when prompted, the following
            would be printed to the screen:
the minimum rec'd level is: infant
the minimum rec'd level is: toddler
the minimum rec'd level is: adult
the minimum rec'd level is: toddler
the minimum rec'd level is: adult

Number of Scoville ratings given: 5
Highest Scoville rating given:    1250
Number at the toddler level:      2
            if, when I run this program, I enter:
            -3 when prompted, the following should be printed
            to the screen:
Number of Scoville ratings given: 0
Highest Scoville rating given:    not applicable
Number at the toddler level:      0

  by: Sharon Tuttle
  last modified: 4-14-10

#include <iostream>
#include "spiciness_level.h"
using namespace std;

int main()
    int sco_rating;
    string sco_level;
    int max_rating_so_far = -1;  // so it MUST be reset -- there are
                                 //    no negative Scoville ratings   
    int num_ratings = 0;
    int num_toddler = 0;

    // get the first Scoville rating

    cout << "Enter a Scoville rating (or a negative number to quit): ";
    cin >> sco_rating;

    // handle all actual Scoville ratings

    while (sco_rating >= 0)
        // handle this rating

        sco_level = spiciness_level(sco_rating);
        cout << "the minimum rec'd level is: "
             << sco_level << endl;


        if (sco_level == "toddler")

        if (sco_rating > max_rating_so_far)
	    max_rating_so_far = sco_rating;

        // get the next rating

        cout << "Enter a Scoville rating (or a negative number to quit): ";
        cin >> sco_rating;

    cout << "Number of Scoville ratings given: " << num_ratings
         << endl;
    cout << "Highest Scoville rating given:    ";

    if (num_ratings == 0)
        cout << "not applicable" << endl;
        cout << max_rating_so_far << endl;

    cout << "Number at the toddler level:      "
         << num_toddler << endl;

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;