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(cons (cdr '(1 2 3)) (car '((a b c) (d e f))))
(cons 1 '())
(cons 1 (list 2 3))
(append (cdr '(1 2 3)) (car '((a b c) (d e f))))
(cons (cdr '(1 2 3)) (car '(((a b c)) (d e f))))
; define with a name and a value makes that name an
; an expression with that value
(define foods '(apples carrots sourdough chocolate))
(car foods)
; McCarthy also wanted HIGHER ORDER FUNCTIONS -
; a function that accepts a function as a parameter
; OR returns a function
; OR both;
; for example, he wanted to be able apply some function
; to every element in a list (map)
; and have that return a list of the results
; this is EASY to write in Scheme/LISP
(define (my-map a-function a-list)
((null? a-list) '())
(cons (a-function (car a-list))
(my-map a-function (cdr a-list)))
(define (add-1 a-number)
(+ 1 a-number)
(add-1 456)
(my-map add-1 '(2 4 6 8 10))
(my-map car '((Tuttle 3381) (Burroughs 3333) (Burgess 3331)))
(my-map cdr '((Tuttle 3381) (Burroughs 3333) (Burgess 3331)))
(my-map car (my-map cdr '((Tuttle 3381) (Burroughs 3333) (Burgess 3331))))
; this led him to also want anonymous functions -- more on those
; shortly;
; he wanted garbage collection, too;
; Scheme: a considerably-smaller and simpler Lisp dialect
; functional programming...
; a different programming model than imperative programming
; math function:
; f(x) = y -> f:X -> Y
; X is the domain, Y is the range
; in math, a function's variables/parameters always stand for actual
; values,
; whereas in imperative programming languages, variables refer to
; to memory locations AS WELL AS values
; in math, x = x + 1 ...does not make sense
; in imperative programming, it does;
; in functional programming, assignment is not
; an available operation (or at least re-assignment is not)
; the idea of variable-as-a-memory-location is not there;
; instead, you have constants, parameters, and values;
; named parameters ARE variables in the mathematical sense,
; but in the functional model, you would not RE-assign
; the values of parameters within a function body;
; and pure functional programming IS Turing-complete;
; any function may be described using functions alone;
; so, you can't have imperative looping in pure functional
; programming -- how do you repeat?
; instead of repeating a block of statements based on the
; state of some control variable,
; you have repeated function calls on successively "smaller"
; versions of the problem;
; another consequence: the value of a function depends ONLY
; on the values of its arguments (and MAYBE non-local constants)
; (doesn't matter what statements preceded this...)
; ...this might make functional progrmaming VERY attractive
; for concurrent applications;
; also makes their semantics simpler (than imperative)
; and would make program proofs easier (than imperative)
; from:
; "Programming Languages, Principles and Practices", 2nd Edition,
; Kenneth C. Louden, Thomson - Brooks/Cole, 2002:
; * "summarize[s] the qualities of functional programming
; languages and functional programs as follows: [p. 476]:
; 1. All procedures are functions and clearly distinguish incoming
; values (parameters) from outgoing values (results).
; 2. There are no variables or assignments --- variables are replaced
; by parameters.
; 3. There are no loops --- loops are replaced by recursive calls.
; 4. The value of a function depends only on the value of its
; parameters and not on the order of evaluation or on the
; execution path that led to the call.
; 5. Functions are first-class values."
; lambda calculus
; Alonzo Church!
; McCarthy adapted Church's notation:
(lambda (x) (+ 3 x)) ; means f(x) = x + 3
((lambda (x) (+ 3 x)) 4)
((lambda (num string) (+ 267 num)) 1 "woof")
(define looky
(lambda (x) (* x 10)))
(looky 10)