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/* 335 Wk 9 Lect 2 Knowledge Base #1 for discussing Prolog cut */
/* last modified: 3-23-11 */
% adapted from Clocksin and Mellish, "Programming in Prolog",
% pp. 64 - 78
% adapted by S. Tuttle
/* 1 */ house_build(Plan) :- outside_build(Plan).
/* 2 */ house_build(Plan) :- build(self, Plan).
/* 3 */ outside_build([ contact(B) | Plan1 ]) :-
loc(B, london),
build(B, Plan1).
/* 4 */ outside_build([ contact(B) | Plan1 ]) :-
build(B, Plan1).
/* 5 */ builder('Rousseau & Co').
/* 6 */ builder('D Morgan').
/* etc. */
/* 28 */ loc('Eiffel Tower', paris).
/* 29 */ loc('Rousseau & Co', paris).
/* 30 */ loc('D Morgan', london).
/* etc. */
/* 50 */ build(Builder, Plan) :- write(Builder),
write(Plan), nl.
sum_to(1, 1) :- !.
sum_to(1, _) :- !, fail.
sum_to(N, Res) :- N1 is N-1,
sum_to(N1, Res1),
Res is Res1+N.
sum_to2(N, 1) :- N =< 1, !. % note: less than or eq: =<
sum_to2(N, R) :- N1 is N-1,
sum_to2(N1, R1),
R is R1+N.
my_not(P) :- P, !, fail.
avg_taxpayer(X) :- foreigner(X), !, fail.
avg_taxpayer(X) :- spouse(X, Y), gross_income(Y, Inc),
Inc > 30000, !, fail.
gross_income(X, Y) :- receives_pension(X, P), P < 5000, !, fail.OA