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INTRO to SMALLTALK/SQUEAK (Extreme OOP!) - part 1
* ...because object-oriented programming is another dominant
programming model;
* do note: object-oriented (OO) can be "in front" of many things!
OO programming
OO modeling
OO analysis
OO design
...we'll focus mostly on OO programming (OOP) here.
* potential benefits of object-oriented programming (OOP):
* (discussed verbally)
* abstraction
* modularity
* reusability
* better organization
* user-defined classes
* inheritance (might mean less code-writing!) - aids "differential"
* abstract data types
* polymorphism
* better portability
* better readability
* aggressive use of abstract data types
* there is often more stability in data than in what
computations get done on that data -- so OOP MAY
yield more stable systems over time
* might be project-oriented than product-oriented
...might allow for building a family of systems
rather than single systems
* aids "differential" programming (you only have to
write the part that is different from an existing
program, because of inheritance)
* might simplify client code, since they only need
to "ask" objects to perform some operation, even if the
client doesn't know what kind of object they are
* some claim that, since the real world consists of
objects, modeling these as OO objects is "natural"
* not a panacea! Has pluses and minuses;
* We're going to discuss SMALLTALK-80 (the Squeak implementation of
Smalltalk-80) as our focus on object-oriented programming (OOP)
* why? because it takes OOP further than C++, Java
AND it is very different from C++, Java
* other choices could have been:
C++, Java, Ada 95, Beta, Cecil, CLOS, Eiffel,
Dylan, Emerald, Modula-3, Oberon, Objective C,
Python, Sather, Self, Theta, and others!
* VERY close to everything is an object in Smalltalk!!
(doesn't have non-object primitive types as Java, for example,
* C++ : multi-paradigm, only some things are objects
* Java: takes it further, many more things are objects,
but primitive types aren't, and neither are
classes themselves, for example;
* Smalltalk-80: the classes themselves are objects,
the environment is an object, oy!
* has a RICH programming environment (a plus AND a minus)
that is intimately related to the language
* Squeak ( is a free implementation of
Smalltalk-80, available for Linux, Mac, Windows, and
* very brief background:
* The Learning Research Group at the Xerox Palo Alto
Research Center (Xerox PARC) developed Smalltalk as the
language for the Dynabook, during the 70's and early 80's
* (when people say "Smalltalk", they usually mean
* late-60's? early-70's: Dynabook was a yet-to-be-developed
"laptop of the future" (whose target audience was children)
Alan Key, Dan Ingalls, Adele Goldberg: key players
in the development of Smalltalk
they chose simulation as the metaphor for programming
the Dynabook;
...influenced by Lisp, Simula, Ivan Sutherland's
* before there was Smalltalk-80, there was Smalltalk-72
* interpreted
* extensible syntax (programmer can add syntax)
fred move up x inches
* more object-oriented than Simula -- even integers are objects
* 'class' is even an object (albeit a rather special one)
* ...but no subclassing yet;
* Smalltalk-80
* now you've got subclasses!
* everything is an object -- blocks(closures), classes,
activation records, etc.!
* not statically-typed
* rich programming environment
* no longer just a programming language for children!
* there are commercial versions of Smalltalk-80
(ParcPlace, Digitalk, others)
...and free versions, such as Squeak
* Smalltalk is considered the first "major" object-oriented
language (with Simula as the "grandfather")
...and has influenced other object-oriented languages,
C++, Objective C, CLOS, Cecil, Kaleidoscope, Java,
and more;
* key language elements:
* objects (instances)
* classes
* messages
* methods
* as you should already know:
an object has some private memory (its instance variables/data fields)
and some operations it can perform;
* a method may "send a message" to other objects;
but the actual method that gets invoked depends on the message
that is sent and the methods defined by the class of the
"receiver" object
* every object is a member (instance) of a class
* the class is the "blueprint" from which instances are created
* a method may send a message to other objects (instances);
the actual method invoked depends on the message that
is sent and the methods defined by the class of the
"receiver" object;
once the proper method is determined, the method is
executed and can use and modify the instance variables
of the receiver object;
* classes can have subclasses, which inherit the
instance variables and method definitions from the
superclass, allowing a subclass to use and modify
an existing class;
...this can add complications! what method gets
done, exactly, when a message is sent?
... Smalltalk-80 has reasonably simple (?) to determine
* Smalltalk/Squeak were designed with a THREE-BUTTON mouse in mind;
* here are the common mappings if you have fewer:
* buttons named by color
Windows (often) Mac (often) typical meanings:
red (left) left-click click button move/select
yellow (middle) right-click option-click context-menu
blue (right) ALT-left-click command-click window/Morphic menu
* double-click on a .image file to start up Squeak
* can use Tools tab to bring up a Workspace window
* type in the window, then right-click/option-click, print it
to print the value of that expression
* consider the meaning of something like:
3 + 2
...this MEANS the "+" message is sent to the object 3
(the receiver), with the object 2 as its argument;
"+" is a binary message
see more examples of binary messages in the posted
workspace contents
* unary message:
object message
13 negated
(5 @ 8) class "tell me what class you are"
* keyword message: involves a "word", not an operator; can be n-ary;
2-ary (binary) keyword message:
Recipient keyword: Argument
3-ary keyword message:
Recipient keyword1: Argument1 keyword2: Argument2
(and you'd call this message keyword1:keyword2:
...and so on!
* order of operations: simple rules, but different than
you might expect:
unary messages are top priority, executed left-to-right
binary messages are next, executed left-to-right
n-ary messages are next, executed left-to-right
(BUT! for multiple n-ary messages, the "longest" message
has precedence, where "longest" is the biggest n
...a 3-ary message has precedence over a 2-ary message