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More Smalltalk details...

Smalltalk's character set:
*   the "standard character set" [?] plus the twelve special characters:

    # : ^ . ' | " ; ( ) [ ]

*   it has the following tokens:

    <identifier>, <number>, <string>, <comment>, <binaryOperator>,
    <keyword>, <specialToken>

*   <identifier> - like you'd expect, a name the programmer chooses,
    and the naming tradition is camelCase: capitalsNotUnderscores

*   <number> - like you'd expect;

*   <string> - enclosed in single quotes! (like in SQL)

*   <comment> - enclosed in double quotes

*   <binaryOperator> - composed of 1 or 2 characters

    *   CAN vary between Smalltalk implementations!

    *   for reading purposes, pretty safe to assume that 
        any non-alphanumeric characters NOT in the special list of
	12 above are probably a binaryOperator

*   <keyword> - DIFFERENT connotation than you may have seen before!
    *   in Smalltalk, a keyword is JUST an identifier with a colon
        at the end of it --- anyIdentifierLikeThis:

    *   a keyword, then, is ONLY special in the sense that it
        forms a keyword message...

*   <specialToken> - special characters used as separators for
    parsing the language

    #  - begins a symbol literal #croak
    :  - ends a <keyword>
    ^  - ^answerThisObject (we'll use this in writing methods)
    .  - statement separator
    '  (single quote) - delimits a string literal
    |  delimits temp variables (block "parameters")
    "  - delimits a comment
    ;  - for statement cascade (coming later...)
    ) - can be used to begin, end an expression
    ] - can be used to begin, end a block closure

*   reserved words
    ...only five!

    nil, false, true, self, super

    nil - the value of any variable which has not yet been
          OR has been forgotten

          SHOULD be used to mean, 
	  I have no idea;
	  Has never had a value;
	  IF it ever had a value, someone has since asked that we behave
              as if it never had one; therefore, I have no idea

    false - are singleton instances of classes True, False respectively
    *   are NOT literals of a class Boolean...

    self - "refers to the object whose class contains the method
           you are presently reading"

    *   "If the object's class has no such method, you must be reading
        the nearest superclass which does have such a method"

    super - refers to the SAME object as self,
            both refer to the receiver
	    BUT the lookup for the method involved differs --
	    for super, as in Java, you start looking in the superclass
	        of the class for that method...

		(super is a means by which the sender can OVERRIDE
		its own defined method hierarchy)