<HTML> <Head> <title> CS 318 - Homework 2 - Problem 3 - XHTML Warmup </title> </Head> <Body> <h2> CS 318 - Homework 2 - Problem 3 - HTML Warmup </h2> A few resources on HTML, CSS, and more <ul> <li> <A href='http://htmldog.com/'> HTML Dog </a> - XHTML, HTML, and CSS Tutorials and References <li> <a HREF= 'http://dev.opera.com/articles/view/1-introduction-to-the-web-standards-cur/#toc'> Opera Web Standards Curriculum </a> - covers general design basics in addition to HTML and CSS <li> <a href="http://w3fools.com"> W3Fools - a W3Schools Intervention </A> </ul> <HR> <p> <a href="http://validator.w3.org/check/referer"> Validate this HTML5 page </p> <p> For full credit, this page must also pass the tests at <a href=http://lint.brihten.com/html/> http://lint.brihten.com/html/ </a> when its URL is entered (and without modifying the default options). </Body> </HTML>