-- count-empls-proc.sql -- last modified: 1-28-13 -- -- note: uses table from set-up-ex-tbls.sql -------- -- signature: procedure: count_empls: void -> void -- purpose: expects nothing, returns nothing, prints to the screen -- how many rows are currently in the empl table -- example: -- If empl currently has 14 rows, and you call from sqlplus: -- exec count_empls -- and if you have set serveroutput on, then you should see: -- There are currently 14 employee(s). -------- create or replace procedure count_empls is num_empls integer; begin select count(*) into num_empls from empl; dbms_output.put_line('There are currently ' || num_empls || ' employee(s).'); end; / show errors set serveroutput on prompt "================================" prompt "TESTING count_empls; should see a 14-employees message" prompt "================================" exec count_empls -- end of count-empls-proc.sql