CS 318 - Week 6 Lab - 2-25-13

...edited version of the projected DrJava Interactions window
from lab

Welcome to DrJava.  Working directory is /Users/smtuttle/humboldt/s13cs318/318labs/318lab06

> int num;
> num = 42;
> num

> num == 42
> num < 1

> while (num > 10)
     System.out.println("num is: " + num);
     num -= 10;
num is: 42
num is: 32
num is: 22
num is: 12

> if (num < 10)
      System.out.println("num is now: " + num);
num is now: 2

> for (int i=3; i<10; i++)
      System.out.println("i is: " + i);
i is: 3
i is: 4
i is: 5
i is: 6
i is: 7
i is: 8
i is: 9

> boolean flag;
> flag = true;
> flag

> flag = 1;
Static Error: Bad types in assignment: from int to boolean

> flag == false

> flag == 0
Static Error: Illegal comparison: cannot compare a boolean to a int

> flag == ""
Static Error: Illegal comparison: cannot compare a boolean to a String

> if (1)
      System.out.println("won't get here");
Static Error: Condition must be boolean

> // line comment
> /* multi
> line
Static Error: Undefined name 'line'
> */
Invalid top level statement

// OK, you can't do a multi-line comment in the Interactions
//     window. But /* and */ do start and end a multi-line
//     comment in Java!

> // relational and boolean operators: > < >= <= == != && ||

> true && false

> true && 3
Static Error: Bad type in boolean expression

> // ALL Java code is contained in classes

> // a Java class that contains a method
> //    whose signature is:
> // public static void main(String args[])
> //    is called a Java application,
> //    and when such an application it executed,
> //    its action starts with the main method
> // in Java, there is a HIERARCHTY of classes --
> //     every class that is not a subclass of another
> //     class is a subclass of Object

> // (note that Java class names are EXPECTED to start
> //     with an uppercase letter, and be written in
> //     camel-case (ResultSet))
> //     Instances are expected to start with a lowercase
> //     letter, and be written in camel-case as well
> String firstName;
> String lastName;

> //     Only named constants are written with underscores
> //     to separate "words" -- because they, too, should
> //     be written in all-uppercase.
> //     BUT they are TYPICALLY declared using static and final:
> static final int MAX_WIDGETS = 13;
Modifier static is not allowed here

// OK, maybe not in the DrJava Interactions window --
//    but within a class, for a data field, DO usually
//    make them static (just one copy of that element
//    no matter how many instances)

> final int MAX_WIDGETS = 13;

Static Error: Variable 'MAX_WIDGETS' cannot be modified

> // in Java, the source code for a public class
> //     MUST be in a file named DesiredClassName.java

> // to compile Java at the command-line,
> // javac NameOfSourceCodeFile.java

> // and the result is a .class bytecode file for
> //     each class contained within that Java source code
> //     file (one public class, possibly numerous non-public
> //     classes

// NOTE: a variable whose type is one of the Java primitive
//     types is a name for a location in memory, like
//     you are probably used to;
// BUT! a variable whose type is a class is really
//     a REFERENCE -- a pointer! -- to an object of
//     that class;
//     AND when first declared, it does NOT yet reference
//     any instance -- its value, thus, is null!

> String name;
> name

> import java.sql.*;
> // the above says, let me use classes from the package
> //    java.sql without having to precede their names with
> //    java.sql.
> ResultSet rS;
> rS

> name

// and you might remember from C++: can't call a method
//     of an instance that doesn't exist --
// in Java, you'll get a NullPointerException if you
//     try that;

> name.length()

> // you'll get this NullPointerException every time you
> //    try to call a method for a reference not pointing
> //    at anything -- every time you try to all a method
> //    for a null reference

> if (name != null)
      System.out.println("Looky: " + name.length());

> name = "George";
> name.length()

> // but typically, you call a class's constructor to
> //     create a new instance
> name = new String("Sally");
> name

// by the way, a String literal is indeed an instance
//    of the String class -- you CAN class String methods
//    for it;

> "Mooooooooo".length()

> // Java has a small number of non-object primitive types
> // int float double long char boolean
> // ...each of these also has a corresponding "wrapper"
> //     class (Integer Float Double Long Character Boolean)
> //     for those times when you NEEEED objects!

> // ...thanks to autoboxing, often the Java compiler
> //    helpfully wraps primitives in an wrapper class object
> //    as needed
> // a Java class has a name, methods, data fields...
> // 
> // if something in a class -- whether a method or data field --
> //     is declared to be static, there is ONE copy of
> //     that method of data field, no matter how many instances
> //     of the class there are

> // The most convenient way to call a static method is to
> //     use the name of the class (instead of an instance)
> //     in calling that method
> Math.abs(-3)

> Math.ceil(2.7)

> Integer.parseInt("13")

> Double.parseDouble("13.77")

> Integer.parseInt("moo")
java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "moo"
				 at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(NumberFormatException.java:48)
				 at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Integer.java:449)
				 at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Integer.java:499)

> Integer.parseInt("13.7")
java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "13.7"
				 at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(NumberFormatException.java:48)
				 at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Integer.java:458)
				 at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Integer.java:499)

> Integer.parseInt("13.0")
java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "13.0"
				 at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(NumberFormatException.java:48)
				 at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Integer.java:458)
				 at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Integer.java:499)

> Double.parseDouble("45")

> (double) "45"
Static Error: Bad types in cast: from String to double

// that Java class Object includes a toString method,
//    that produces a String depiction of that object --
//    all classes inherit that method, although some
//    override it to create a "nicer" output String
//    than others... 

> String s = "123";
> int num
> s + num

// what just happened? if one of +'s operand expressions
//    is a String, Java assumes you want String concatenation,
//    and tries to call the toString method for the
//    other operand (with a primitive type instance
//    being auto-boxed in a wrapper class instance if
//    necessary)...!

> num=456;
> num.toString()
Static Error: No method in int has name 'toString'
> Integer number = new Integer(num);
> number
> number.toString()

> // method names (except for constructors) also start with
> //    a lowercase letter (constructor names are the same
> //    as the class, so they are an exception!!)

> // data fields are declared INSIDE the class body but
> //    OUTSIDE of any method --
> //    They have scope of the entire class (unless a
> //    local name overshadows them within some method);
> // local variables are those declared inside of a method,
> //    and their scope is just that method

> // SO -- if a name needs to be used in more than 1 method,
> //    it either needs to be a data field, or you need to pass
> //    that value as a parameter

// WARNING -- note the actual MEANING/SEMANTICS of ==!
//    it is what you probably expects for primitive
//    type instances:

> int val1;
> int val2;
> val1=3;
> val2=3;
> val1==val2

// BUT -- for references?

> String name1;
> String name2;
> name1="Charlie";
> name2="Charlie";
> name1==name2

> // with OBJECTS, == is REALLY asking, do these
> //    two objects reference the SAME object in
> //    memory? (are they the same address?)

> // classes that are comparable for content TEND to
> //    include a .equals method

> name1.equals(name2)

> name2.equals(name1)

> // Note: Java will NOT let you override operators...
> // Java arrays:
> //  type myArrayName[] = new type[size];
> String names[] = new String[13];
> names
{ null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null }

> names[0] = "Charlie";
> names
{ Charlie, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null }

> names[1] = "Brown";
> names
{ Charlie, Brown, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null }

> names[13] = "Sally";

> // Java arrays have a data field length that can be
> //   used to get their number of elements

> names.length

// and if an element of an array is an object --
//     you can indeed call methods, of course, on that
//     object:

> names[1].length()

> names[1]

> names
{ Charlie, Brown, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null }

> for (int i=0; i<names.length; i++)
      if (names[i] == null)
          names[i] = "Joe";

> names
{ Charlie, Brown, Joe, Joe, Joe, Joe, Joe, Joe, Joe, Joe, Joe, Joe, Joe }

> // enhanced for loop as of Java 6:

> for (String nextName: names)

> // to CATCH exceptions in Java, use a try-catch
> // try
> // {
> //     ...code that MIGHT throw an exception...
> // }
> // catch (exceptnType exceptnParam)
> // {
> //      ...exception handler for exceptnType...
> // }
> // catch (exceptnType excpetnParam)
> // {
> //       ...
> // }

> // note that Exception is a superclass of all exception
> //    classes, catch that as an "everything else" type thing;

> // LIKE PL/SQL, these are ONE WAY --
> //    if an exception is thrown in a try-block,
> //    you LEAVE the try block RIGHT THEN and control
> //    passes to the FIRST catch with a matching exception-type
> //    then you do the actions in that catch, and LEAVE the
> //    try-catch(es) (on to the next statement after the
> //    last catch)

> // for a Java application -- a class with a main method --
> //    (that is public, static, void, and expects an array of
> //    String objects) --
> // you can RUN it using
> //    java ClassName arg arg arg
> // tip: if you neeeeed a certain number of command line
> //     arguments, check args.length, that'll give you that
> //     number

then walked through and ran HelloWorld318.java