<!DOCTYPE html>

    example 2 attempting Asynchronous javascript and *XML*
    (ajax, finally? 8-) ) - still giving error info if cannot connect,
    but also trying to grab an attribute value for note element

    adapted from examples in Chapter 12 of "Web Programming Step by
    Step", 1st edition, pp. 445, 447, 449, 464, 467

    by: Sharon Tuttle
    last modified: 5-6-13

    <title> "Ajax" example 2 </title>
    <meta charset="utf-8" />

    <script type="text/javascript">

        // when button w/ id = "load" is clicked,
        //     hope to Asynchronously fill a textarea 

        window.onload = 
                var loadButton = document.getElementById("load");
                loadButton.onclick = loadClick;

        // signature: function: loadClick: void -> void
        // purpose: expects nothing, and returns nothing,
        //     but hopefully has the side-effect of filling
        //     a textarea with id = "output" with the contents
        //     of local file notes.xml (else it fills it with
        //     error info, hopefully...)
        function loadClick()
            var ajax = new XMLHttpRequest();
            var outputTextArea = document.getElementById("output");

            // set up anonymous function to be called when the
            //     request is completed

            ajax.onreadystatechange =
                    if (ajax.readyState == 4)
                        // let the output textarea contain either
                        //    the error info or notes.xml's
                        //    contents

                        if (ajax.status != 200)
                            outputTextArea.value =
                                "Error fetching contents of notes.xml: \n" +
                                ajax.status + " - " + ajax.statusText;
                            var textAreaValue = "";

                            // get note elements

                            var notes = 

                            // get desired "parts" of each note element

                            for (var i=0; i < notes.length; i++)
                                // get the text (simple) content of the
				      		    		                //     current note element

                                var noteText = notes[i].firstChild.nodeValue;

                                // also get the value of the current 
				      		    		                //     note element's priority attribute

                                var priority = 

                                // if there was a priority attribute,
                                //     add its value to the note-to-display
                                var noteDisplay = noteText;
                                if (priority != null)
                                    noteDisplay = "(" + priority + ") " +

                                textAreaValue += "*   " + noteDisplay + "\n";

                            outputTextArea.value = textAreaValue;

            // notice the true for the 3rd argument in the open call!
            // ...that's what makes the send call return immediately
            //    before completing...

            ajax.open("GET", "notes.xml", true);


        Your browser does not support JavaScript, or has it disabled;
        this page will not behave as it should.
        <hr />

    <h1> "Ajax" example 2 </h1>

    <!-- it feels weird not having a form here - shouldn't for this
         particular little example, right?? -->

        <textarea name="notes" rows="5" cols="30" id="output">

    <button id="load"> Load </button>

    <hr />   

        <a href="http://validator.w3.org/check/referer">
        Validate this HTML5 page

        For full credit, this page must also pass the tests at
        <a href="http://lint.brihten.com/html/">
        http://lint.brihten.com/html/ </a> when its URL is
        entered (and without modifying the default options).

        <a href=
            <img src="http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/images/vcss" 
                 alt="Valid CSS3!" height="31" width="88" />
