<!DOCTYPE html>

    Our first SJAT example...

    by: Sharon Tuttle (based on example
	 in Ch. 12 of course text)
    last modified: 5-6-13

    <title> SJAT Example 1 </title>
    <meta charset="utf-8" />

    <script type="text/javascript">

        // when button with id of "load" is clicked,
        //    I hope to synchronously fill a textarea

        window.onload =
                var loadButton = 
                loadButton.onclick = loadClick;

        // signature: function: loadClick: void -> void
        // purpose: expects nothing, and returns 
	    //     nothing, BUT hopefully has the side-
	        //     effect of filling the textarea with
		    //     id of "output" with the contents
		        //     of the local file notes.txt

        function loadClick()
            var ajax = new XMLHttpRequest();
            ajax.open("GET", "notes.txt", false);

            // when request has completed

            var outputTextArea = 
            outputTextArea.value = ajax.responseText;


    Your browser does not support JavaScript, or
    has it disabled; this page will not behave as
    it should.

    <h1> SJAT Example 1 </h1>

    <!-- feels odd -- but there's NOT a form here! -->
        <textarea name="notes" rows="5" cols="30"

    <button id="load"> Load </button>    

    <hr />   

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        Validate this HTML5 page

        For full credit, this page must also pass the tests at
        <a href="http://lint.brihten.com/html/">
        http://lint.brihten.com/html/ </a> when its URL is
        entered (and without modifying the default options).

        <a href=
            <img src="http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/images/vcss" 
                 alt="Valid CSS3!" height="31" width="88" />
