-- loop-exs.sql
-- last modified: 1-30-13

-- signature: procedure: loopy: void -> void
-- purpose: expects nothing, and returns nothing, but displays
--     to the screen the results printed by a pair of loops,
--     to demonstrate PL/SQL basic loops
-- example: when run, if serveroutout is on, you should see:
-- BURP! 0
-- BURP! 1
-- BURP! 2
-- BURP! 3
-- BURP! 4
-- GLIP! 13
-- GLIP! 14
-- GLIP! 15
-- GLIP! 16
-- by: Sharon Tuttle
-- last modified: 01-30-13

create or replace procedure loopy as
    limit integer;
    counter integer;
    -- demonstrate a PL/SQL while loop
    counter := 0;
    limit := 5;

    while counter < limit 
        dbms_output.put_line('BURP! ' || counter);
        counter := counter + 1;
    end loop;

    -- demonstrate a PL/SQL counted/for loop

    for counter in 13 .. 16
        dbms_output.put_line('GLIP! ' || counter);
    end loop;

    -- tried several variants on an Algol-style for-loop
    --     with a list of values, then Googled and found Oracle's
    --     doc for at
    -- http://docs.oracle.com/cd/B28359_01/appdev.111/b28370/loop_statement.htm
    --     ...doesn't look like PL/SQL supports that variant;
show errors

set serveroutput on 

prompt TESTING: should see BURP! followed by 0-4, and GLIP! followed 
prompt          by 13-16
prompt ===========================================================
exec loopy

prompt ...and should see it again (testing the call with () )
prompt ===========================================================
exec loopy()

-- end of loop-exs.sql