CS 435 - Week 5 Lecture 1 - 2014-02-18

*   our github organization


    TASK 1 for EACH CS 435 individual student:
    *   go to github.com, sign up for github
        (create a personal account)

    *   send me your github username

    *   I'll be setting up teams in the
        organization hsu-cs435-s14,
	and a private repository for each team

        team name:            repo name:

        victorious-secret     produce-kiosk
        beastie-boys          energy-monitor
        sthh                  gotwhich

*   a bit about git:

*   some philosophy:
    *   try to go with small commits often,
        only committing things that compile and
	work (leaving the repo in a "good" state)

        *   use "social mechanisms" to get people
	    to do that

    *   one repo per project (not multiple 
        directories per project)

*   once a repo has been created
    (more on that...)

    (command line version...)

    *   get the newest updated from the main repo:
        (this CHANGES your local copy)

        git pull 

    *   Let's say you modify a file --
        let's say test.txt

    *   optional: you can check the status of your
        git repository with:

	git status

   *   If you have a main repository set up,
       and an origin, then you push changes
       to the main repository:

       git push origin master
                ^github acct tied to this repository       
                       ^ name of branch to push to
                       ^ development branch is recommended!
		         (master should be your clean, perfect

*   view commit log:
    git log

*   ignore file:
    *   file name: .git-ignore in your directory
    *   list file names to be ignored in .git-ignore
        (one file name per line, 
         wild cards can be carefully used)
        *   subdirectories are ignored if a directory
	    is in the file, NOT their parents
*   look for bug handling/bug tracking features
    in github;