CS 435 - Week 9 Lecture 2 - 2014-03-27

Jalote - Chapter 4 - some discussion of Quality Planning/Control/

*   defect - this definition CAN be project-based,
    but in general:
    some problem in the sw that causes it to crash,
    or a problem that causes an output to not "look"
    or one that involves misspelled words, minor

*   defect injection
    *   at the beginning of a project, it has
        no defects;

    then, as the project proceeds, it is said
    that defects are INJECTED during its

    HOPEFULLY, many (most?) of the defects
    are removed through a project's QUALITY CONTROL

    ...and we'd like quality control to include
    BOTH reducing defect injection in the first place,
    and increasing the removal of defects that
    make it in in spite of our best efforts;

    quality control at a MYRIAD of levels;
    *   requirements reviews
    *   design reviews
    *	code reviews
    *   unit testing
    *   coding standards
    *   "good" environments
    *   integration testing
    *   system testing
    *   acceptance testing 

    ...we'd like sw with LOW defect density;

    reviews: typically structured, human-oriented

    testing: executing something to identify defects

*   (and we also discussed risk management a bit more,
    including projecting Boehm's Top 10 Software Risks
    that we had discussed a bit on Tuesday -- that list
    is posted along with these projected notes)