*   Jalote Chapter 5 - Software Architecture

*   what is "software architecture"?

    one definition: (that Jalote references from
    a *software* architecture text):

    "The software architecture of a system is the
    structure OR STRUCTURES of the system which
    *   software elements,
    *   the externally visible properties of those
        elements, and
    *   the relationships among them."

...hopefully, provides for USEFUL abstraction of
   the system;
*   since software architecture partitions
    a system into LOGICAL parts,
    ... there can be MULTIPLE architectural views
        of the same system;
	(more than one way to logically partition

    ... (and for different purposes, such different
        views may reveal different insights about
	the system)

*   why might a software project team create and
    document such architectural structure?
        ...within the team
        ...amongst other stakeholders as well
	   (that software project team,
	   and the users who'll use the system,
	   the clients who commissioned the system,
    *   may help with potential reuse of components

    *   may help in planning construction and evolution

    *   may allow for additional analysis...!

*   Architecture views
    *   a view consists of elements and relationships
        between them, and describes a structure

    *   the elements of a view depend on what the view
        seeks to highlight

    *   many types of views have been proposed;
        most belong to one of these 3 types:	
        *   module
	*   component and connector
	*   allocation

	...not unrelated!
	.. but they are different views of the SAME
	   system, each representing the same system;

*   module view -
    *   looking at a system as a collection
        of (static) code units -- they do
	not represent runtime entities

    *   elements in this view may be
        modules such as: class, package, function,
	procedure, trigger, etc.

    *  relationships in this view are code-based --
       part of, depends on, calls,

*   component and connector view
    *   elements are run-time entities called components
    *   that is, a component is a unit that has identity
        in an executing system -- objects, processes,
        .exe, .dll

    *   connectors provide a means of interaction
        between components -- pipes, shared memory,

*   allocation view
    *   focuses on how software units are allocated
        to resources like hardware, file systems,

    *   i.e., specifies the relationship between	
        software elements and execution units
	in the environment

    *   exposes structural properties such as
        which process runs on which processor,
	which file resides where, etc.

*   note how different views may be necessary for
    different goals --
    may need an allocation view for certain kinds
       of performance analysis, may need a module
       view for project implementation planning,
       may need component and connector (C&C) view for
       both analysis and planning, etc.

*   Jalote notes that the C&C view is almost always
    done, and has become the primary view

*   C&C in a little more detail:
    *   two main elements: components and connectors

    *   components: computational elements or data stores
    *   connectors: means of interaction between

    *   a C&C view defines the components,
        and which components are connected
	through which connector(s)

    *   describing runtime structure!

    *   a C&C view is typically a graph;
        often shown as a box-and-line drawing