Perl Examples and Notes List
CIS 180 L - Section 4
Intro to Perl
Spring 2003
Last modified: Wed May 14 14:23:59 PDT 2003
Important Note:
This is merely a selection of files and examples, most of which were
mentioned or used in the class sessions. It is not a comprehensive
list, nor are all class sessions included. Formatting is generally minimal.
- Bonus Class session, 5-14-03: connecting Perl to an Oracle database
(and an intro to Perl modules!)
class-bonus_01_mod1 - example using a Perl
module, File::Basename
- dbi_show1 -
example showing that need to use /usr/local/bin/perl
on the first line, if want to use module DBI
- dbi1 - example
with successful connection to student Oracle
database on redwood
- dbi2 - adding
a simple SQL query (and only looking at first row's
- dbi3 - doing 2
queries, 1st has all rows looped through, second
uses a Perl variable (not robust, no error-checking)
- dbi4 - 2nd has
a Perl variable whose value is to be a SQL string
literal (not robust, no error-checking)
- Class session 9, 5-9-03: a taste of CGI
- Class session 8, 5-5-03: filehandles, files, and directories
- Class session 7, 5-2-03: regular expressions, part 2
- Class session 6, 4-28-03: regular expressions, part 1
- Class session 5, 4-21-03: more basic input/output
- Class session 4, 4-18-03: subroutines
- Class session 3, 4-14-03: hashes
- Class session 2, 4-11-03: lists and arrays
- Class session 1, 4-7-03: intro to Perl, scalar data
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