Homeworks and Handouts
CS 131
Intro to Computer Science I
Fall 2003
Last modified: Fri Dec 12 13:08:27 PST 2003
Important Announcements:
- The course Reading Packets are available from the
course Blackboard site, NOT from here.
- For versions of handouts that were also given out on-paper, the on-line
formatting will likely vary from the actual paper handouts,
but the content should be the same.
- Final Examination Study
Suggestions (in Rich Text Format (rtf))
- Lab Exercise #13
- Homework #12
- Homework #11
- Homework #11 Handout in RTF
(Rich Text Format)
- (example files NOW posted in
examples section -- see especially:
Week 13, Lecture 1: intro to recursion,
Week 13, Lecture 2: intro to overloaded operators,
friends, and other class-related topics)
- Homework #10
- Homework #9
- Homework #9 Handout in RTF
(Rich Text Format)
- (example files NOW posted in
examples section -- see especially:
Week 10, Lecture 1: pass-by-reference examples
Week 10, Lecture 2: file i/o
Week 11, Lecture 1: cast, setw, switch)
- Midterm #2 Study Suggestions (in Rich
Text Format (rtf))
- Homework #8
- Homework #8 Handout in RTF
(Rich Text Format)
- sumArray.cpp
- sumArray.h
- (note the use of const before sumArray's array
parameter --- as mentioned in the 131 HW #8 handout,
this should be used if the function is NOT intended
to CHANGE the array passed as an argument)
- tryMe1.cpp -
simple array examples, and calling function sumArray
- tryMe2.cpp -
more array examples, including an array of objects (Dice)
and a 2-dimensional array
- (note: for Dice and randgen code, used in tryMe2.cpp and
also needed for this homework,
see Homework #7 links below)
- Homework #7
- Homework #7 Handout in RTF
(Rich Text Format)
- Prof.h
- testProf.cpp
- (note: example versions of Point3.h and testPoint3.cpp
can be found on the course Blackboard site after 1:05 pm
on Friday, October 17th, under "Some Solutions")
- Dice-related code, from Week 8, lecture 2:
- Homework #6
- Homework #5
- Midterm #1 Study Suggestions (in Rich
Text Format (rtf))
- Homework #4 (in Rich Text Format (rtf))
- Homework #3 (in Rich Text Format (rtf))
- Homework #2 (in Rich Text Format (rtf))
- Homework #1 (in Rich Text Format (rtf))
Back to Course Home Page
Please send questions to
st10@axe.humboldt.edu .