Perl Examples List
CIS 480 - Section 2
Perl in Depth
Fall 2004
Last modified: Thu Dec 9 11:01:07 PST 2004
Important Note:
This is merely a selection of files and examples, most of which were
mentioned or used in the class sessions. It is not a comprehensive
list, nor are all class sessions included. Formatting is generally minimal.
- Lecture 15, 12-07-04: some info about Perl 6 and Parrot
- Lecture 14, 11-30-04: real location of HTML::Template on sorrel,
connecting Perl to sorrel's installation of MySQL, an example of
using an eval block to catch fatal errors
- lect14_template1.tpl
-- HTML template including HTML::Template "tags"
-- now works from "official" sorrel installation of HTML::Template!
Perl script that fills in HTML::Template tags in
lect14_template1.tpl and displays the result.
here to see it in action
a MySQL tutorial
- connecting to MySQL on sorrel! Click
here to see it in action
- lect14_eval1
- (not CGI --- run this one from the command line!)
- quick example of using an eval block to catch fatal errors
- Lecture 13, 11-16-04: intro to HTML::Template, intro to writing
your own modules (and discussion about how to see what modules
have been installed on a system)
- Lecture 12, 11-09-04: intro to the module
- Lecture 11, 11-02-04: intro to the module
(note that these examples are really from week 11, in spite
of their names...)
- Lecture 9, 10-19-04: a taste of CGI and Perl
- Lecture 8, 10-12-04: sprintf, sorting subroutines, DBM files
and DBM hashes, and editing files in-place (both from a script
AND from the command-line).
NOTE: these include the versions I'd hoped
to demonstrate in class IF the network had worked...
- Lecture 7, 10-6-04: More on process handling, more on string
handling (index and substr) (post-lecture versions)
- Lecture 6, 9-28-04: Files and Directories (post-lecture versions)
- Lab 4, 9-16-04: A bit more on Regular Expressions, review for Exam
#1 (and a handed-out lab exercise) - (post-lab versions)
- Lecture 4, 9-14-04: More on Regular Expressions (post-lecture versions)
- Lab 3, 9-9-04: A bit more on basic I/O, and a little more on Regular
Expressions (pre-lab versions)
- Lecture 3, 9-7-04: Subroutines, more basic I/O, and first Regular
Expressions example
- Lab 2, 9-2-04: Hashes (mostly) - post-lab versions
- Lecture 2, 8-31-04: Lists and Arrays (mostly)
- Lab 1, 8-26-04: More playing with scalars
- Lect 1, 8-24-04: Intro to Perl, scalars
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